I'm currently in the process of making a Priest on Korgath ally, but unfortunately, the server isn't booming like I thought it was. This IS subject to change very soon, due to the tourny, and the fact that 5.4 MAY make BGs really really shit. Not banking on that, but it COULD.
I would just like to know of a server that does wargames. Even if it's the same few teams queing up against each other constantly. My only true love on this game is arena, and no server I go to ever arenas. Haven't tried AP, but I REALLY don't even want to roll there because of whiny children anyways, but will if it's my only hope in doing some arenas.
Any suggestions? If anyone just needs a partner on x server, tell me, give me a bit of a pitch, and I'll probably come over. Probably rolling Disc or Destro.
I would just like to know of a server that does wargames. Even if it's the same few teams queing up against each other constantly. My only true love on this game is arena, and no server I go to ever arenas. Haven't tried AP, but I REALLY don't even want to roll there because of whiny children anyways, but will if it's my only hope in doing some arenas.
Any suggestions? If anyone just needs a partner on x server, tell me, give me a bit of a pitch, and I'll probably come over. Probably rolling Disc or Destro.