Need An ACTIVE Arena Server


I'm currently in the process of making a Priest on Korgath ally, but unfortunately, the server isn't booming like I thought it was. This IS subject to change very soon, due to the tourny, and the fact that 5.4 MAY make BGs really really shit. Not banking on that, but it COULD.

I would just like to know of a server that does wargames. Even if it's the same few teams queing up against each other constantly. My only true love on this game is arena, and no server I go to ever arenas. Haven't tried AP, but I REALLY don't even want to roll there because of whiny children anyways, but will if it's my only hope in doing some arenas.

Any suggestions? If anyone just needs a partner on x server, tell me, give me a bit of a pitch, and I'll probably come over. Probably rolling Disc or Destro.
AP always has plenty of people on that want to arena. Most of the players there have 2 or 3 alts giving a diversity of teams and team tactics. You should check it out! The community is great! I'm always down to arena:)

Horde or Ally? Or are both pretty populated?

I'm on horde on AP right now, and there's like 3 people on, used to at this time, I remember seeing 20-30.
What time zone are you in? Both factions are very populated. Everyone is probably asleep right now if not on the PTR xP

It's just the addon, there's a good amount of people on, no clue about horde, but on ally there's a constant 5-10. And central time. Any idea why my addon wont show anybody new that logs online? Mine only shows people that were already online. I guess this will go away once everybody is on my friends list, but I have to /reload over and over to see anybody new online.
AP H arena's several times a week I'd say..
Horde or Ally? Or are both pretty populated?

I'm on horde on AP right now, and there's like 3 people on, used to at this time, I remember seeing 20-30.

AP horde almost indefinitely has 10 people on. I'm not sure I've ever seen less than 5, even at 2am server. Throughout the day there are 15-20 and upwards of 30 during the weekend and during the fishing contest
It's just the addon, there's a good amount of people on, no clue about horde, but on ally there's a constant 5-10. And central time. Any idea why my addon wont show anybody new that logs online? Mine only shows people that were already online. I guess this will go away once everybody is on my friends list, but I have to /reload over and over to see anybody new online.
try /reload ing your ui
try /reload ing your ui

I did. It's a problem with the addon adding new people to my friends list that log on that I haven't seen yet. If I /reload, and someone new is on, it'll add them, so it works.
BTW. Which side is MORE populated? Don't care about gear advantages, etc, as I just want to arena, and find skilled players to que against, and maybe get regular quing going for real.

Just at first glance, its alliance, but that could be very wrong, as I was only on the server for a couple of hours.
I'm currently in the process of making a Priest on Korgath ally, but unfortunately, the server isn't booming like I thought it was. This IS subject to change very soon, due to the tourny, and the fact that 5.4 MAY make BGs really really shit. Not banking on that, but it COULD.

I would just like to know of a server that does wargames. Even if it's the same few teams queing up against each other constantly. My only true love on this game is arena, and no server I go to ever arenas. Haven't tried AP, but I REALLY don't even want to roll there because of whiny children anyways, but will if it's my only hope in doing some arenas.

Any suggestions? If anyone just needs a partner on x server, tell me, give me a bit of a pitch, and I'll probably come over. Probably rolling Disc or Destro.

Are You Verdie the warrior ? And Korgath is an arena server but AP is the best F2P server !
Are You Verdie the warrior ? And Korgath is an arena server but AP is the best F2P server !

Yeah. And Korgath would be cool, but it's not populated at all. I want a server I can just hop on, ask in chat if anyone wants to arena, and hop around a tree till I find a group (hopefully quickly).
I did. It's a problem with the addon adding new people to my friends list that log on that I haven't seen yet. If I /reload, and someone new is on, it'll add them, so it works.
Is your addon up to date?

you could also try these:

Addon Related Macros:
Fixes for some issues you might have with the addons (don't use for just any problem, as these are rather drastic measures)
/run local f = GetNumFriends(); for y=1, f do local name,_,_,_,_,_, note = GetFriendInfo(y); if (note==nil) then RemoveFriend(name); end end

Will remove every friend in your friends list that hasn't had a note added.
/run F2PAddon_Variables = nil
Will wipe the database completely. Log out and in again immediately after doing this, or you will get errors as the addon tries to add people coming into the channel to a non existant database. It will rebuild the basic structure when it starts up with no database.
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Is your addon up to date?

you could also try these:

Thanks. I'm pretty sure it is, I heard there's no new recent releases. And I tried that second part, and it didn't do anything for it. It MAY be because It's a toon with the same name that I'm using on a different server. Not sure though.

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