I'm not for Sale.
Tell me your name Hope I don't have to Blacklist you hehe 
jk i mean im not kidding but Welcome to Bracket the More the Marrier. Jinx I love you haha Love runing with you and Bison hehe Don't tell no one that will really give people reason to QQ but i Understand the gy farm thing I don't do it as much if only 2 people rezing its stupid. But i had a Game yesterday they Rezed 30 times each my friends had 50+ kbs and 0 deaths we got 197hks and 120 honor i'm like this is what I live for baby. They were hard to Contain too we were calling out targets left and right "runners left!" and "runners right!" haha it was Fun But some games are Good like when I don't have a 5 man haha, hehe
jk i mean im not kidding but Welcome to Bracket the More the Marrier. Jinx I love you haha Love runing with you and Bison hehe Don't tell no one that will really give people reason to QQ but i Understand the gy farm thing I don't do it as much if only 2 people rezing its stupid. But i had a Game yesterday they Rezed 30 times each my friends had 50+ kbs and 0 deaths we got 197hks and 120 honor i'm like this is what I live for baby. They were hard to Contain too we were calling out targets left and right "runners left!" and "runners right!" haha it was Fun But some games are Good like when I don't have a 5 man haha, hehe
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