Vek'nilash Festivash for the rest of ush

Vek’nilash Festivash for the rest of ush
Announcing a guild event on Vek’nilash ([One] | Alliance) at the end of each Darkmoon Faire. Each month we will tour a different zone and complete various feats of strength and airing of grievances. Purpose: to create set a date where we can (ideally) count on other guild members to be on. We will also have a special Festivash during some holiday weekends. Why end of Darkmoon Faire? Well why not. It gives you a week before the Festivash to farm a new BOA to show off to your guidies at the Festivash.
What will occur:
1. We will set forth various “quests” for your enjoyment. In 1-10 zones, a good L1 twink will be able to solo most of them. Newbie twinks will need to group up to complete them. As we progress to higher level zones in future Festivashes, they will all be group quests. These are for fun only, no specific quest rewards will be given.
2. It will be a chance to share tips, help each other, improve professions, and hopefully get some new gear. An occasional Furbolg run may occur.
3. As the guild grows, we will add some Classic for our higher level farmer toons (for enchanting mats, gold farming, etc), to future Festivashes and some L1 PVP death matches.
4. Sitting around Lions Pride Inn impressing other players and ourselves with our feats of strength.
Does this sounds boring to you? Well, don’t come.
The first Festivash will tour Elywnn Forest and will be on Saturday, 7/13. Log in and join the guild for more details. Stay tuned I will post the quest log soon. Future Festivash will tour other 1-10 zones (including horde) and eventually 11+ zones.
Elwynn Forest

Ruklar the Trapper 8
Goldtooth 8
Dead-Tooth Jack 11
Morgan the Collector 10
Dockmaster 10
Hogger 11

Rare Targets:
Lamepaw the Whimperer 5
Grizzled Ben 6
Narg the Taskmaster 6
Tarantis 7
Snoot the Rooter 7
Terrapis 8
Mother Fang 9
Fedfennel 9
Bushtail 9
Gruff Swiftbite 9
Morgaine the Sly 9
Thuros Lightfingers 9

UPDATE: I edited the target list to simplify it. If you missed the raid last weekend, you can still work on getting geared and trying to solo these targets. August Festivash: Loch Modan. Get geared, we are stepping it up a notch.
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Hey man, I think it's awesome that your guild is coming up, but just looking over this page of threads, you've posted 5 times(you as in members of One), not counting the one in the guild section.(Not sharing anything, the message is just for people that are either interested in joining or those that are in the guild). You can keep it in one thread. We don't have to know every event you guys do - unless you post it in one thread where people check it out if they're interested.

Not trying to sound mean or anything, it's probably none of my business, but there is really no point in making a new thread all the time(oh, and a tip to whoever is doing it, bumping a thread that's at the top is pointless).
well gee, I just figured everyone was going to sign up...

seriously though you are right I won't start any more threads. I didn't put much thought to it as slow as things are around here.
I am offering this starter kit while supplies last

1. Linen Cloak
2. Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense
3. Enchant Chest - Major Health
4. Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina
5. Guild Tabard
6. Enchant Gloves - Agility
7. Light Armor Kit (for legs)
8. Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
9. 15g to cover cost of turning EXP off and other minor incidentals.

Yes, I realize there are better enchants but this is what I can afford to give away for free.
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