hunters get another interrupt

Looks like the 5.4 changes will put hunters back at the top, putting balance in 3rd. (2nd will be rogues)

Also note the fact that instead of getting counter shot, marksman will get silencing shot. Though i may be reading that wrong.
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I'm thinking of picking up a hunter. Whats the best pet or better yet a good guide for rare pets to get. Whats the spec to use?
WhutisaBattleground? I Stack crit for MM and GD.

But... Marksman is actually good. In the right Circumstances you can crit 2k plus.Considering that you play the objectives,its a fun and underplayed 24 class.if you play just to See high scoreboards,gy farm, or mid derp go Survival.
WhutisaBattleground? I Stack crit for MM and GD.

But... Marksman is actually good. In the right Circumstances you can crit 2k plus.Considering that you play the objectives,its a fun and underplayed 24 class.if you play just to See high scoreboards,gy farm, or mid derp go Survival.

Hunters are viable in every spec. It's just one or 2 diff abilities that vary between specs anyways.

But how exactly do you get an aimed shot off against any enemy who has a brain? It's not really hard to find a place to LoS within 2,5seconds. Then again, yeah it's the 20-24 bracket so maybe people can't even use LoS... I'd say it's vice versa, aimed shot is for midderping and GY farming because you actually have time and dont have to worry about enemies LoSing your aimed shot. AND BIG CRITZ AJAJ :D I HITED 1K :D Why would you stack crit as MM, when aimed shot has like 100% crit chance on enemies with more than 80% hp?

Survival is still better for objective playing, since it gives you more mobility and you don't get LoS'd inside bases.

ps. Don't tell me you open with scatter into aimed shot plz
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Umm..the first part was just a Joke :p

I like the explanation you posted.

Most Efc's are sitting ducks with heals.

And maybeSeeing Huge crits are just fun in my eyes.

We have wandered off topic too much
/bye. ( goodluck with the Hunt )
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Whats the go to professions? skinning for crit and suppose mining for stam? not a fan of engineering.
Whats the go to professions? skinning for crit and suppose mining for stam? not a fan of engineering.

If you do not like engi (which is arguably bis proff), you should go skinning + herbalism. Make a macro with rabid + lifeblood and you + your pet will wreck shit d:
engi will no longer be sought after come 5.4, but its your call whether to re-level after the patch or not

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