I woke up today planning on getting some early gulch or arenas going to find my self blocked by a wall of blue that no wow player wants to see... Blue Screen. After "attempting" to troubleshoot myself, (lol that went well...) I really didn't really get anything accomplished. I got in touch with the Dell customer service hotline, and after about an hour and a half of walking through troubleshooting with the employee and running through diagnostics, the final word on my computer is a dead hard drive, replacing it would be close to 300 dollars in total (maybe i can find a cheaper alternative). Coming from a16 year old kid who banks on chipotle giftcards for food money, and the fact that mother/father HB are not too happy... I am probably down for the count for at least a week, if not much longer. As i don't have a great way of getting in touch with the majority of the people i play with, hopefully this gets the word out to them. I will probably not be able to be on wow for a week at minimum, good chance that it will be longer than that.