1v1d by My Computer


I woke up today planning on getting some early gulch or arenas going to find my self blocked by a wall of blue that no wow player wants to see... Blue Screen. After "attempting" to troubleshoot myself, (lol that went well...) I really didn't really get anything accomplished. I got in touch with the Dell customer service hotline, and after about an hour and a half of walking through troubleshooting with the employee and running through diagnostics, the final word on my computer is a dead hard drive, replacing it would be close to 300 dollars in total (maybe i can find a cheaper alternative). Coming from a16 year old kid who banks on chipotle giftcards for food money, and the fact that mother/father HB are not too happy... I am probably down for the count for at least a week, if not much longer. As i don't have a great way of getting in touch with the majority of the people i play with, hopefully this gets the word out to them. I will probably not be able to be on wow for a week at minimum, good chance that it will be longer than that.


R. est
I. n
P. ussy
So I take it your computer won?
Ughhh computer probs are the fucking worst. Good luck brotha
If its a dead harddrive you can find a replacement drive for under $100 depending on what you are after. Then comes the hard part of reinstalling everything again, but if you know how and are okay with not recovering your data there are much cheaper optoms than 300
If its a dead harddrive you can find a replacement drive for under $100 depending on what you are after. Then comes the hard part of reinstalling everything again, but if you know how and are okay with not recovering your data there are much cheaper optoms than 300

This ^^

On no planet should you be looking at $300 or more to replace a dead hard drive. $100 tops, and they're super easy to install, like plug and play easy. The toughest part is reinstalling the OS and whatever programs you want.
judging by the prizes on amazon, you'll be able to get a new HDD for 50-100$. Replacing it is really easy, so is reinstalling.
I woke up today planning on getting some early gulch or arenas going to find my self blocked by a wall of blue that no wow player wants to see... Blue Screen. After "attempting" to troubleshoot myself, (lol that went well...) I really didn't really get anything accomplished. I got in touch with the Dell customer service hotline, and after about an hour and a half of walking through troubleshooting with the employee and running through diagnostics, the final word on my computer is a dead hard drive, replacing it would be close to 300 dollars in total (maybe i can find a cheaper alternative). Coming from a16 year old kid who banks on chipotle giftcards for food money, and the fact that mother/father HB are not too happy... I am probably down for the count for at least a week, if not much longer. As i don't have a great way of getting in touch with the majority of the people i play with, hopefully this gets the word out to them. I will probably not be able to be on wow for a week at minimum, good chance that it will be longer than that.



Did try deleting system 32?
HB it's probably that weird ass midget porn you were telling me about. why the hell were you even watching that in the first place btw?
HDD's are no were near 300$. You can easily get one for around 50$. Replacing them is too easy. Open up your computer, unplug your HDD, open the slots on the sides and slide it out. Then just slide in a new one and plug it in. Installing your OS and all that is easy aswell. Just stick in that disk/usb/whatever you use and boot it. Follow steps and it's installed. Just be happy it's not your motherboard o_O

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