New too F2P /class decision


Hello everyone :)

The last few days, i have had an urgue to return to twinking ..

I've twinked since end vanilla - start BC ..
Played a rogue back then ..
Kimsé @ Al'Akir - Community - World of Warcraft

I've been watching the F2P forum alot lately, and i feel like trying it ..
I made an US account back in the beginning, of F2P but never really got into it ..

So now im in the dilemma ..

I dont know what to roll ??

I have 90 Druid which has been a main since vanilla ..
I also have a 90 priest and a 90 rogue ..

Rogue's have changed alot since i started playing it, so dont know if thats the correct class to roll..

i have had Priest and Shaman alot in my mind ..

But still i dont know ..

Which classes are needed in this bracket ??

Hope you can help - and sorry my bad english ...
ranged classes are the strongest. disc priest, resto and ele shaman are all 3 very nice atm.
Disc priests and rogues are in a very nice place right now, I'd suggest rolling a rogue if you'd be willing to farm swiftness potions, otherwise disc is a strong choice for testing out the bracket
also got the choice of Warlock or Mage..

Underplayed classes this bracket needs more of yet very viable. Only thing is, Hunter's will F*** you over in seconds. Enhance Shaman is another under played class...

Roll any class apart from Huntard! ><

Good luck!

i took the screenshots in my last 11 bgs a couple weeks agot. It's a very small sample size, but it confirms my experience.

Too many: Paladins, druids and hunters..
Almost to many: Rogues (but rogues that actually go after efc are still very few)
in a good spot: Warriors, priests and shamans (fury, shadow and enhance being inferior in almost every way)
a rare sight: Mages and warlocks. They aren't actually that bad, but the usual enemy team composition makes for a very crappy pug experience most of the games. (i was 2 out of the total 6 mages.)

Is Affli warlock any good ??
Could be fun ..

Affliction is a nightmare without heirlooms, but if you can manage to keep your dots up on multiple people you'll top the damage boards, just beware Druids since their single hot will out heal your dot damage.

on a side note there is one redeeming quality to affliction and that's when a holypaladin dispels your UA which triggers an immense amount of pain and silences them for 3 seconds. I literally killed 2 paladins at the same time when they dispelled my UA off of themselves. Check out my warlock in my sig to get some idea of a basic gearing set up(usually in pure Stam or glass cannon).

Also if you do roll a affliction warlock stack as much haste as you can, belt/cloak + trinkets and make sure you have herbalism for burst, human or troll are the best races for affliction human = double haste trink and troll = 20 or 30% haste burst on a 3min cooldown.

the reasoning for haste is that it causes faster dot ticks which results in more dps, also UA is greatly benefited by haste since haste causes your silence effect to deal extra damage since the damage is based on the periodic damage UA would have dealt if it were not cleansed
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Affliction is a nightmare without heirlooms, but if you can manage to keep your dots up on multiple people you'll top the damage boards, just beware Druids since their single hot will out heal your dot damage.

on a side note there is one redeeming quality to affliction and that's when a holypaladin dispels your UA which triggers an immense amount of pain and silences them for 3 seconds. I literally killed 2 paladins at the same time when they dispelled my UA off of themselves. Check out my warlock in my sig to get some idea of a basic gearing set up(usually in pure Stam or glass cannon).

Also if you do roll a affliction warlock stack as much haste as you can, belt/cloak + trinkets and make sure you have herbalism for burst, human or troll are the best races for affliction human = double haste trink and troll = 20 or 30% haste burst on a 3min cooldown.

the reasoning for haste is that it causes faster dot ticks which results in more dps, also UA is greatly benefited by haste since haste causes your silence effect to deal extra damage since the damage is based on the periodic damage UA would have dealt if it were not cleansed

Thanks alot for explaining..

I might even roll a warlock and atleast give it a try !!
But it would take alot of time before i am able to get all that gear for the spec to viable ???
It seems like alot of work :b
Well i can manage to dot up multiple targets ..
That aint a problem :-b

But what spec do you farm gear with then ??
And how long does it take to get all the BoA ? ?

btw. Thanks for response :)

Destruction is the favored spec for leveling and gearing, it's also one of the strongest specs for burst in the bracket, personally it doesn't fit my style which is why I play affliction ^^

you can still do good damage In bg's as affliction without the heirloom staff however your damage won't be as good as it can be, it can take a week or months to be fully geared, luckily for you the darkroom fair is coming soon so you can pick up your first piece of gear easily, I'd recommend the shoulders to start. Then You should prioritize getting your staff by farming honor and converting it to justice, also if the force is with you we might have a warsong gulch weekend which will make it possible to get your staff since you'll be getting 3x the amount of honor you'd usually get.
Thanks alot for explaining..

I might even roll a warlock and atleast give it a try !!
But it would take alot of time before i am able to get all that gear for the spec to viable ???
It seems like alot of work :b

it is a lot of work and can be frustrating at times however it's all worth it when you can sit back and melt te faces off of people leaving them dumbfounded that an affliction warlock just ripped them a new one.
Hello everyone :)

The last few days, i have had an urgue to return to twinking ..

I've twinked since end vanilla - start BC ..
Played a rogue back then ..
Kimsé @ Al'Akir - Community - World of Warcraft

I've been watching the F2P forum alot lately, and i feel like trying it ..
I made an US account back in the beginning, of F2P but never really got into it ..

So now im in the dilemma ..

I dont know what to roll ??

I have 90 Druid which has been a main since vanilla ..
I also have a 90 priest and a 90 rogue ..

Rogue's have changed alot since i started playing it, so dont know if thats the correct class to roll..

i have had Priest and Shaman alot in my mind ..

But still i dont know ..

Which classes are needed in this bracket ??

Hope you can help - and sorry my bad english ...

Roll whatever you want. We'd prefer less hunters, druids, or paladins since they're overpowered and ruin a lot of the fun.

Luckily though, most of the OP class players are retarded and can be beaten by smart UP classes.
Well i can manage to dot up multiple targets ..
That aint a problem :-b

But what spec do you farm gear with then ??
And how long does it take to get all the BoA ? ?

btw. Thanks for response :)

To put the BoA thing into perspective, I was able to get my LFH, my BoA shoulder, and BoA chest in the same week because of call to arms arathi basin and darkmoon Fair. :)

It takes dedication though to get them fast but if you put your mind to it you can get it pretty fast.
Truely appreciate all the explaining you take your time to do ..

I will concider it, and might go for an alliance warlock :)

So next question - which server ? :D

for eu I believe it's twisting nether, and for us I'd suggest aerie peak due to the large amount of people there which is a good and bad thing at the same time since you'd have more competition for rare items on a popular server, but on the plus side there's more group activities such as premades or arenas.

you could also try out eldre'thalas which is my home server it's got a small population of twinks but items such as arena grand master and open world loot chests are easier to come across.
for eu I believe it's twisting nether, and for us I'd suggest aerie peak due to the large amount of people there which is a good and bad thing at the same time since you'd have more competition for rare items on a popular server, but on the plus side there's more group activities such as premades or arenas.

you could also try out eldre'thalas which is my home server it's got a small population of twinks but items such as arena grand master and open world loot chests are easier to come across.

twisting nether eu :eek: ?
I have all my 90's there ..
Havent really noticed the 20's ...

But i will come to eldre'thalas then :)

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