20 P2P Rogue, Weapon help!


This isn't too much of a rate thread so much as help me figure out the best weapons to use thread. This seemed to be the most appropriate section to post in.

I've been working on building a glass cannon set on my 20 P2P Rogue. I've almost completed her (leg armors, chest enchant and AGM left), but I'm mostly stuck on the weapons. I've been fiddling around with a few, trying to get the biggest gain, but I thought I'd survey the crowd for assistance.

Thoughts? Any suggestions on what to improve/change are welcome.

This is her scaled in BGs with some buffs.

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jesus christ them stats D:
Just a quick question. I've been seeing people choose Feet of Lynx over Standard Issue Prisoner Shoes.. What does Feet of Lynx scale up to in BGs? And does it have better stats than scaled up Standard Issue Prisoner Shoes?
Currently decided to derp around with double Wicked for the transmog abilities. I find this dagger has a lovely model.


Still looking for opnions on weps though!
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I thought Boas were best to go since they scale up or do wicked blade scale up better than Boa dagger (tlaking about scarlet kris of course)

Balanced Heartseeker
21-39 Dmg
18 DPS
4 Agi
3 Crit
2 Hit

Sharpened Scarlet Kris
22-42 Dmg
18 DPS
5 Stam
3 Agi
3 Resil

Wicked Dagger
23-43 Dmg
18.37 DPS
3 Stam
3 Agi
5 Crit

BoAs could come out on top. But to mog them (with the mailbox one not working) I had to use dungeon drops.
Doh - I didn't think that through - was thinking BoAs.

Nice - didn't know that works!

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