- Feline Mantle
- Your cloak, is the +4 crit worth the loss of 4 int from say, the 4 stam/4 int/4 haste cloak? In other words, is +4 crit > +4 int and +4 haste
I am going for a maximum crit build so I choose to sacrifice those stats, and regarding the Feline Mantle, I prefer to farm honor for the JP shoulders.
oh and how does invokers scale in bg's? the intellect from argas might pull ahead in terms of sp/crit if invokers doesn't scale well.
oh and try farming rares/stockades for ivycloth bracers of intellect.while you farm herbs for alch in hillsbarad, since lfh+ dpr > goggles(but thats if you can even get lfh/dpr) and if you're lucky you might even find an mm