WTS Phoenix Pants & Phoenix Gloves (Rare Cloth Xmogs ~ Bulk Orders Allowed)


I was farming and came across these patterns, which was amazing as they are two patterns that are considered very rare. Instead of selling the patterns for a few thousand gold each, I decided to just learn them and make these items.

Phoenix Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft

Phoenix Pants - Item - World of Warcraft

I only accept WoW gold as anything else is against Blizz's ToS.
My realm is Shu'Halo.

Gloves x1 = 50g
Gloves x5 = 200g (40g per) ~ Estimated Profit: 50g
Gloves x25 = 750g (30g per) ~ Estimated Profit: 500g

Pants x1 = 80g
Pants x5 = 350g (70g per) ~ Estimated Profit: 50g
Pants x25 = 1,500g (60g per) ~ Estimated Profit: 500g

Why so expensive? You won't see these on the AH that often, if at all. Buying one of these gives you an xmog. Buying multiple of these allows you to periodically post them on the AH for a price higher than you're buying them for.

There is money in these items, and I'm simply looking for a way to help everyone out.
Why don't I post them myself? I do, but I'd like to focus more on other aspects of the game.

Limit: 30 of each item is the limit here so a bulk orderer doesn't get screwed by new competition.
just saying these items are not rare. you can get the patterns on hundreds of realms for 10g or under i just checked UMJ
I have no wish to get into an argument here, but considering that they are rare and many people jump at chance to get the pattern, UMJ is simply showing you that there are certain people who post this pattern for a price much lower than it is worth.

If you try to figure out how many tailors actually have this item, and you talk to knowledgeable ones you will find that this is a pattern most people will not have. In fact, when I did a WTS shout in /2, I had 2 people ask me (immediately) where the pattern dropped from as I had mentioned it about a minute earlier.
As Nollix says, these items aren't "very rare", and the fact that you got two of them while farming, should also show that :)

GL selling though ;)
I should note that I did not get these in one farming sessions. They were many days apart.
If anything it should be criticized it is my over-ambition and misunderstanding of mat prices. I have found that getting the necessary pearls to even make these requires farming on its own.

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