Sorry to say but I think I've proven that I can kill things solo or 2v1 , I don't oom because enh have mental quickness which gives 40% chance to gain like 8 mana back in bg's from attacks also ik when to use water shield. As for enh damage its way better than ret.
Now for answering huckles questions about this project.
Enhancement shamans are now a really good melee class if u can play them well( fake cast, knowing when to use ur defensive skills-suggest u roll with totem talent-and overall a nice rotation to always keep the strong dmg in the face.)
Blizz has finally helped enh!!! we recently got 10% more sp from our attack power(which would make it easier to see to roll a more agility based set with the obvious crit pieces for horde or ally) and also we got 50% dmg to lava lash. Another wonderful adition that even though its not necessarily benefitial to enh is moving while casting bolt, in my full geared enh heres the link -
Shamanpow @ Eldre'Thalas - Community - World of Warcraft - I can hit in pvp a good 150 lightning bolt due to the fact that in enh u have more spellpower than the other specs

. In my opinion the only cons for enh are the ones u allow urself to have since the class is F******* awesome, playing well at enh will surley give a good time since it feels great to kill plp in a underpowered considered class.
Finally I mean who doesn't like a melee class that looks like they on steroids while in combat LOL!
Ennjoy and cya in the gulch!