Gold cap


I have a F2P toon and i was just curious. what do you all spend your measly 10g with? i know once i hit 15 or 16 i got gold cap. I would like to hear what you all spend it on. Do you just sit on it or is there something cool out there to mess with? Any tricks to help professions? Well lets hear it :D

I just stuff any junk worth a good chunky of change in my bank and IF i ever go low i can sell that.
First things I generally buy are the 1g50s 10 (or is it 8?) slot bags

Then I buy all my bank slots.

Then while I get gear on the toon I'm working on and I hit the gold cap, I'll buy the expensive thread from the tailoring supply vendors to keep in my bank bags, they stack and sell decent, If I'm low on gold I can sell them back.

I also do blingtron every day and keep the rewards with my thread for when i need more gold.

The gold usually goes to Transmogging, mount collecting, tabards, Specialization Changes, faction bags, etc.
I've done so many random dungeons for satchels and things that I've never really been below 5 gold, and I have tons of runic thread in my bank bags if I ever do get below 5 gold.

If you're active enough with your trials money's never really an issue.


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Sound like you want to invest the rest of your gold and not let the extra gold go to waste due to the 10g cap.

The second best way to store gold so buy and store Eternium Thread - Item - World of Warcraft to stack 15 Gold in your bank.
View attachment 2010

The best way to store gold is to wait for darkmoon fairy (tomorrow) to buy and store Darkmoon P.I.E. - Item - World of Warcraft to stack 40 Gold in your bank.
View attachment 2011

Oh wow, I'm new to the f2p scene and this helps a ton, thanks!
My F2P accounts are linked to my P2P account so I have access to all my P2P's pets, but if your account is not thus linked, then one way to spend that gold is to get yourself to Netherstorm (I ran there myself with a bunch of people a few years ago) and buy rare pets from Dealer Rashaad.
Once you've bought all the heirlooms, Honour Points become your gold

I convert honour points to gold, and spend the gold on halaani whiskey
I have 5 stacks of DMF P.I.E in my bank, and it's all I use. Also I collect eternium roses (have 2) they are worth 200g to vendor, and if I get stack they would be worth 4k gold. If any time they increase our gold cap I will be 1st to get everything :)
Spending gold: Transmogs, Halaani Whiskey, Pets, Tabards, repairs :p, Travel fee, Cooking recipes , Usually you will have more gold that you want to spend.
I have 5 stacks of DMF P.I.E in my bank, and it's all I use. Also I collect eternium roses (have 2) they are worth 200g to vendor, and if I get stack they would be worth 4k gold. If any time they increase our gold cap I will be 1st to get everything :)
Spending gold: Transmogs, Halaani Whiskey, Pets, Tabards, repairs :p, Travel fee, Cooking recipes , Usually you will have more gold that you want to spend.

I highly doubt they will increase it to anywhere near 200g :p Maybe 100g max - but think they will see it as pointless.
I have a F2P toon and i was just curious. what do you all spend your measly 10g with? i know once i hit 15 or 16 i got gold cap. I would like to hear what you all spend it on. Do you just sit on it or is there something cool out there to mess with? Any tricks to help professions? Well lets hear it :D

I just stuff any junk worth a good chunky of change in my bank and IF i ever go low i can sell that.

i made my initial f2p toon in '11, and the answer is that i don't spend my gold on anything. i've bought all the pets in Netherstorm.
i've paid for transmog for all four gear sets i may use. i've blown gold just to blow gold on paper zeppelins and tiny rag dolls.

adn then i realized that IT DOESN'T MATTER.

"saving" money by stacking eternium thread, or whatever, is POINTLESS.

i probably have 5000g worth of stuff (between BOEs and consumables) sitting in my bags/bank.

for what?

i've DE'd PLENTY of items that the people on WoWhead RAGE about when they look at the stats.- "someone DE'd ROP?!?!?! SIX TIMES????"
(what do you do with Foreman's Legs on a clothie?)"

lol fuckem.

gold DOES NOT MATTER on a f2p toon. it just doesn't.

and that is incredibly liberating.
most people stack gold substitutes, because they haven't firmly decided yet, whether they will remain f2p forever or upgrade to p2p in the future
just go lvl up cooking skill and learn recipie for achivement,u will go bankrupt really really fast

need to have at least 60g+ items in bank and that a god way to use up all money u have, and also blingy gives u a lot of useless item which are sold for 15g+

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