21:00 LF Competetive games.


The Highlander
Ahead of the looming premades, I thought it might be a good idea to take advantage of all the excitement and get a couple of 5-man groups on either faction queueing into the gulch. LF 4 people to queue with me on ally. I will be playing Rshaman (faction pending atm) or HPal FC. Also LF a 5-man group to queue against us on horde, whether that be a guild or a real-id group! Would love for someone to help organise this. I'm sure we'll have enough numbers and that this will do the bracket a bit of good to get a sense of organisation ahead of the premades.


Dreeze (DPS)
Pump (DPS)
Copyhat (Heals)
Laiten (FC)

(LF someone to organise group)

Tough Love?
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competitive games you say? sure, then after that we could go out and collect cockerel eggs together :p
work tonight, no ques for meh sorry!
Updated OP. Was thinking, that rather than trying to make it super organised and get fussed over groups, we could just agree to all queue at that time. Would remove some of the team-work element that I was hoping would be required queueing as 5-men though
nvm bald, I run out of prepaid and broke atm gonna resub 1st of next month, can you take my name off pls? sry

No probs mate, LF either FC or Boomy/Disco/Rshaman for my Ally team. (I may FC on paladin if there is anyone who can play the last three roles.)
I've got some fun yesterday thanks everybody. Thanks especially to alliance because now i've got my battle master trinket. (Solo farming on monk so long)
damn I go out and can't queue and you get good games. What a coincidence.
damn I go out and can't queue and you get good games. What a coincidence.

not really good games, both sides played equally boring sitting at either horde gy farming and spawning/healing or sitting at ally gy farming and spawning/healing

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