Calling all Level 1 twinks in the US

do it...c'mon, you know you wanna! :)
I guess to join your leave your BT?
BT: Andrewski#1289
Squeakyjack might also remember me from Gradu Unus/Smarter on MG, my character name was Dødge
I added you Chubs

Battletag: Reessagny#1339
I have been there for about a week. nobody is there. I will stick it out for a while longer. maybe I will get a guild invite.

in my opinion, we need to start a petition to let us move our L1 twinks via realm transfer.

UPDATE: Well, because I was half drunk, all bored, and there was a sale a blizzard, I moved my warrior over last night with all my twink gear. my DK is next. what the heck...lets do this.

It might take me a while but I will be back 100%. Riding turtle is here. "/cast sea turtle" is here too. two mounts! see you on this new realm.
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I have been there for about a week. nobody is there. I will stick it out for a while longer. maybe I will get a guild invite.

in my opinion, we need to start a petition to let us move our L1 twinks via realm transfer.

UPDATE: Well, because I was half drunk, all bored, and there was a sale a blizzard, I moved my warrior over last night with all my twink gear. my DK is next. what the heck...lets do this.

It might take me a while but I will be back 100%. Riding turtle is here. "/cast sea turtle" is here too. two mounts! see you on this new realm.

I told you I'd flip and invite you! :) We're just filling ranks now for Midsummer...that's when all the level 1s come out to play!
This looks like fun! I've rolled a DK on Vek'nilash and sent you an in-game mail and a BattleTag friend request. Hopefully I can get invited to the guild.

When you said in your original post that "Casters need to be Draenei Mages, Melee need to be be Draenei Warrior/Monk or Night Elf Rogue," are those race/class combinations meant to be taken as complete and definitive, or are those just some examples? Should all members specifically be rolling only draenei mages, warriors, and monks and night elf rogues as their level 1 raiding "mains", or is there a larger list of acceptable/unacceptable combinations?
I was JUST thinking the same thing Arnblas. I too would like to see the expanded list. Based on Chubs post where he said this...(in reference to someone rolling a Shaman)...

"That's fine...we probably won't use Shamans for most PVE a typical 10 man raid, I think the comp would be 6-7 mage/druid/lock and 3-4 monk/rogue ... but Squeaky has some great PVP ideas and like I said earlier, I'd imagine by the time it's all said and done, we'll all have 3-4 fully twinked level 1s

Based on that Druids and Locks might have a home in raids too. Sounds like Pallys, Hunters, Shaman, and Priests are out.
This looks like fun! I've rolled a DK on Vek'nilash and sent you an in-game mail and a BattleTag friend request. Hopefully I can get invited to the guild.

When you said in your original post that "Casters need to be Draenei Mages, Melee need to be be Draenei Warrior/Monk or Night Elf Rogue," are those race/class combinations meant to be taken as complete and definitive, or are those just some examples? Should all members specifically be rolling only draenei mages, warriors, and monks and night elf rogues as their level 1 raiding "mains", or is there a larger list of acceptable/unacceptable combinations?

Maybe a little clarification. Obviously we want anyone who wants to twink at level 1 regardless of race / class combo. Twinking ones is about fun and community. So roll whatever you'd like

The reason for the specific race/class combos is for when we do high end stuff (usually twice a year during mid-summer and brewfest buffs). Those combos are going to be needed for the racials they have. They will give us the best chance in a "progression" raid.

What grizzle quoted was true: when it's all said and done, we'll all have 3-4 fully twinked level 1s

So tldr; Make you main whatever you want....if you would like to do hard stuff during holidays, please roll an alt that adheres to the race/class combos.

As for me, I have one of each class now ready to go (in case 1 gets buffed in upcoming patches) and am stockpiling BoA weapons with various enchants based on encounters. I don't expect that level from anyone else, but it gives me something to do in my off time :)
all ranks are able to invite...have been since day 1 ... lemme see if you're in some weird rank

ps - we got him invited today

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