What would you have done in this situation?

True, it is annoying when a 24 kills you when you're playing objectively (I know this on my F2P feral), but it doesn't feel as bad as long as you know they're playing good too.

That completely boggled my mind. Truly. Completely.

As for rogue FCs. Please don't. I've seen you and others do it. You are better off in stealth getting that opener. Besides 24 rogue... just one shot the EFC. It's what you do.

As for what I would have done? Return the flag. The EFC would be dead. And my team could continue their merry farming expedition.
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its hilarious how most F2P's (not all) dislike you purely based on being 24, not that fact that you bring an advantage to your team and you play objectively. you will always get hate, F2P's stuck in there old ways.

but w/e i dont pay for wow to listen to some shit arse attempt at cyber bullying.
f2ps crying about a 24. i think i've read this thread before... get f2ps to delete FotM classes and i'll post SS's of me deleting my 24s, deal?
i find myself in that situation more bgs than not, im lucky if i find 2 or 3 objective based players in most bgs. in that situation i would try for a bit, try get team to stop farming (they dont), try again, then afk out and go do something more productive with my life (wow or non wow related).

the 20 hateing 24s argument is so old by now. i personally dont hate 24s unless they are poor and/or unobjective players. some of my fav players to see in in bgs are 24 however the poor 24s far outweigh the good ones!! i myself (and with most others i see) tend to hate on only the bad 24s. thesse farming scrubby f2ps love 24s for the fact they are powerful lol.

hate is shared among all poor players not just 24s, however a 20 may just be new to the game, or so undergeared they are useless. 24s do not have either as an excuse so deserve even more hate for that reason (bad ones only)

i have seen random 20s hate on all 24s they see but there very rare...
If a rogue is the only one at the efr end, he could run flag to any other class and drop the flag. Better to take it ramp or maybe far east (GY side), because tunnel is asking to get swarmed. Unless the efc is approaching the efr, there's no requirement to carry, though. Nobody's gonna blame a rogue for staying in stealth. There isn't a worse class to fc.

Not sure why people play the middle so much? Maybe because it requires no thinking? The honor is horrible. Winning grants max honor. Playing objectives wins and therefore grants max honor. It's the same mentality that dps's whoever struck them last vs healers or protecting healers. Thinking is certainly out of fashion, though.

A stealthed rogue in the efr is in the perfect position to comment on those in the middle. "no excuse for being in the middle," "I count X in the middle," or "efr is empty, need fc please," are example comments that a rogue can cajole the baddies to wake up.
A stealthed rogue in the efr is in the perfect position to comment on those in the middle. "no excuse for being in the middle," "I count X in the middle," or "efr is empty, need fc please," are example comments that a rogue can cajole the baddies to wake up.

A good percentage of those baddies don't speak English thanks to the recent English and Spanish battlegroup merge. If Blizzard doesn't revert that change, this bracket is going to be unplayable.
haha yep and as for TaxiCab. Take a page out of my Book and Cap 2 when farming and make sure u got Team a and team b for returning flags and holding graveyard. Farm it up btw Op just kill some alliance man sheesh they would kill you. I can bet you that :D
and Gy farmers... be smart after 3 stacks drop flag have someone in fr pick up a new one with no debuffs. and head to the cap with atleast 4minutes left incase some trial trys to be slick and pick it up :D spoken from experiance. SERIOUSLY -.-
Its quite simple..
either join the orgy fest in mid, /afk or fc. Even if you are a rogue fcing it shouldn't be a problem at all if you're team is farming, and if you don't think you're rogue can fc.. then stop the qq and roll a 24 druid.

I'm not QQing over being a rogue, I'm QQing over the many terrible games that are just like this where my team derps in mid. Rogues cannot FC effectively, yet nobody was going to FC. Happens a lot more than one would like.
and Gy farmers... be smart after 3 stacks drop flag have someone in fr pick up a new one with no debuffs. and head to the cap with atleast 4minutes left incase some trial trys to be slick and pick it up :D spoken from experiance. SERIOUSLY -.-

With the way they play, it's hard to get across field as a 24 rogue since they play good and my team doesn't heal (Recup isn't good enough to keep you alive.)
wait my mistake if your team is farming what are you worrying about? pretty sure they want to win too.. unless they are actually retarded...... then you are probably gonna lose.
Hehe... So I got into a team yesterday where it was me (The only 24), and a bunch of F2Ps... VS a 6 man 24 Sanctuary Premade, yet we won despite many of the F2Ps being undergeared because we played objectively.

Point is, even with severely undergeared F2Ps, you can beat a 24 premade if you all play objectively good.

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