Rogues and poisons

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Hm,i am kinda new to rogues in this bracket.I just made this rogue, and noticed crippling does not always proc, but i want it to proc 100%

Now, before ,what you did was you could apply 2x Crippling poison, which would increase the chance of application.But does the same hold true for today?

I am not sure how blizz dealt with poisons because i quit the game right when call of duty 4 came out, which is quite some time ago

So, if i DONT apply deadly poison(which i view as useless), does that increase the chance of my crippling poison to proc?

If some "rogue pros" from oldschool or others who picked the class up quickly please test it for me

Now i see what Wicked Dagger is very fast, and one would think what it should be nearly 100% application,but...alas its not. So,i need an answer to this quickly because i am getting ready to pvp
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well i can see that, but does putting the deadly on decrease the chance of crippling proc?Not sure if i formulated the question correctly but this is what i mean
well i can see that, but does putting the deadly on decrease the chance of crippling proc?Not sure if i formulated the question correctly but this is what i mean
i think you should just ask a GM. idk if theres a way to test it.
well i can see that, but does putting the deadly on decrease the chance of crippling proc?Not sure if i formulated the question correctly but this is what i mean

No, there's different proc chances for each one and they don't affect each other. Deadly poison is very valuable because it helps to get damage on the target when you're getting kited. Very necessary. But not having deadly poison while having crippling doesn't increase the chances of crippling being applied. However, crippling gets applied quite often and most of the time, if you're well geared, your target will die before they get too far anyway.
more hit = more poisen procs.

faster weap more hits less chance for poisen proc - slower weap less hits more chance to proc poisen. they work out to be the same chance to proc poisens.
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more hit = more poisen procs.

faster weap more hits less chance for poisen proc - slower weap less hits more chance to proc poisen. they work out to be the same chance to proc poisens.
Poison proc chances are percent based. Faster weapons provide more procs.
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