I know everyone secretly loves these threads, plus its starting to get really boring on TI. I wanted to make this thread to not be a typical 1-2 players in each class and instead name as many people as i think have skill and who could be the best or one of the best.
These lists are in no order:
Warrior: Randylayhee, Handbag, Yowzabowza, Ko
Mage: Shagaloon, Vianco, Yowzameld, Lobstrosity, Uraflamer, Sync, Revo, Hunnybuns
Feral - Sighstrosity, Ko, Animal has sexy gear but have never seen play.
Boomkin - Nettie, Yowza, Agonist, Pizza
Resto - Rejen (inactive but still da best), Sketchbag is improving
Priest: Wtbdispel, Twiggi, Yowzabeast, Kunz, Fortt, Dontdodrugs, Throwed, Sodawater, Vettori
Paladin: Kancer, Stubs, Paladinlol, Sylvatic, Trashcat, Koncentrate, havnt seen much of arkant but he seems to be good
Rogue: Slyddur
, Saxx, Curley, Workz, Trilium, Sneaky, Zeiren
Shaman: Yowzamvp #1 , Dasfizzla, Cannabis, Kunz, Nicozy, Maineack(pro as well)
Monk: Sneaky, Nazzr, Monkworkz, Xdabarrels (litteraly cant think of any others that stand out)
Hunter: Discover, Agonist, Fancy, Nettie (ones that still play), Slique gone missing
Warlock: Yowza, Dorygon, Boscoe, Bloish, Rojas, Ratleap is improving, Maineack #1 ever
now go make your lists with only 1 rule. You cannot include yourself even if you think you're the best person to ever grace this bracket with your talents.
These lists are in no order:
Warrior: Randylayhee, Handbag, Yowzabowza, Ko
Mage: Shagaloon, Vianco, Yowzameld, Lobstrosity, Uraflamer, Sync, Revo, Hunnybuns
Feral - Sighstrosity, Ko, Animal has sexy gear but have never seen play.
Boomkin - Nettie, Yowza, Agonist, Pizza
Resto - Rejen (inactive but still da best), Sketchbag is improving
Priest: Wtbdispel, Twiggi, Yowzabeast, Kunz, Fortt, Dontdodrugs, Throwed, Sodawater, Vettori
Paladin: Kancer, Stubs, Paladinlol, Sylvatic, Trashcat, Koncentrate, havnt seen much of arkant but he seems to be good
Rogue: Slyddur
Shaman: Yowzamvp #1 , Dasfizzla, Cannabis, Kunz, Nicozy, Maineack(pro as well)
Monk: Sneaky, Nazzr, Monkworkz, Xdabarrels (litteraly cant think of any others that stand out)
Hunter: Discover, Agonist, Fancy, Nettie (ones that still play), Slique gone missing
Warlock: Yowza, Dorygon, Boscoe, Bloish, Rojas, Ratleap is improving, Maineack #1 ever
now go make your lists with only 1 rule. You cannot include yourself even if you think you're the best person to ever grace this bracket with your talents.
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