question about 80 soloing.


are blood DKs the only ones that can really solo most of the old content? or would say a prot pally be able too? i keep seeing solo videos for blood DKs but none for prot war/pallys so just wanted to ask if it was at all possible for them to solo stuff at 80. or would just rolling a blood DK be better?
If no one can put any input or maybe some yes or no's I'll try it myself and let you guys know how it goes.

The thing about palas and dks are their vengance and avoidance can get so high they're immortal versus melee bosses and can pull off giant numbers in dps because of vengance, im not sure how the warlock pets defense works with its other stats, but they wont be able to do as much dps as a tank with vengance
I'm talking about the warlock itself, you can sac the pet for all I care, there a glyph demon hunting that decreases physical damage taken by 23.33% and magic damage by 15% and if you reforge and such maybe you can reach a high amount of avoidance, I doubt it's possible but I'm sure you can get it fairly high.
what would a solo pally look like? im guessing MOP and heroic gear correct? but what do you reforge? is the pally mastery worth anything? or would i got for dodge or something?

edit: also interested to find out more about the warlock thing, that sounds pretty fun.
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