A couple warrior questions


I got a couple warrior questions, just to make sure my gameplay is correct

1) Windsong Or Dancing steel at 85?

2) any MUST have addons or macros for a arms warrior in PvP? (I Might have them all but just double-checking)

3) When i pop cooldowns I do not go battle stance, should i consider doing so?

4) Mass spell reflect or safeguard in 2s? (mass spell has helped ALOT but then again safeguard seems good)

5) When i attempt to shield wall, it wont allow me to while i have cooldowns up for some reason, (i have /cancelaura recklessness in my shield wall macro) but still doesn't work

6) Deadly calm in heroic strike? Or in my nuke macro? (i use it in my nuke macro)

Thanks alot, hopefully some expert can answer these for me ^_^
1. Some say windsong is better? I used dancing steel so idk
2. There is no must have warrior addond imo.
3. Stay def all the time
4. Safeguard imo
5. If u used reck u cant use wall for 10 sec or so
6. Yeah?
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1. Some say windsong is better? I used dancing steel so idk
2. There is no must have warrior addond imo.
3. Stay def all the time
4. Safeguard imo
5. If u used reck u cant use wall for 10 sec or so
6. Yeah?

*stares at your avatar* Yeah.. thanks

Can i.. god damn that face i feel like putting my fingers in hes mouth and extending the mouth even more!
1. dancing steel imo.. haste and mastery are not super tastefull stats atm.
2. not really. maby team member safeguard and all that standart focus stuff.. but i guess you knew that ^^
3. only use battle stance if you are 100% shure there is gonna be a minimum 3 seconds where youre not gonna take dmg (a few dots may be ok) -ex: 2v2 all trinks/blocks/whatev used and you fear one and stun your target.
4. safeguard is endlessly good imo.
5. 12 sec shared cd. its the full duration of reck/sw eaven if you cancel.
6. no, you need to controll your rage for shattering throw/other shi*
1) Windsong Or Dancing steel at 85? dancing

2) any MUST have addons or macros for a arms warrior in PvP? (I Might have them all but just double-checking) not really

3) When i pop cooldowns I do not go battle stance, should i consider doing so? Yes.

4) Mass spell reflect or safeguard in 2s? (mass spell has helped ALOT but then again safeguard seems good) safeguard

5) When i attempt to shield wall, it wont allow me to while i have cooldowns up for some reason, (i have /cancelaura recklessness in my shield wall macro) but still doesn't work: not sure.

6) Deadly calm in heroic strike? Or in my nuke macro? (i use it in my nuke macro) deadly

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