if your not very experienced with rogue id recommend u go with foremans instead of the Naga Battle Gloves.
If your horde switch out head to LFH and shoulders to loom to regain some hit you lose from not having head.
Rest of the gear seems to look good on the link above me
Behstenslahtz rogue-gear depends on spec but for combat: Bløødthirst-BurningSteppes or Bløødthirst-Dalvengyr - change stuff inbetween but I recommend going for max-crit, Foreman's and Mace instead of the style-offhand
My take on sub. I switch between smelting pants and aluwyns and sometimes use the naga gloves, and occasionally dual mcgowans. And the professions should be herb/alch. Or herb/skinning if you don't care to use consumables.