Let's go over the course of events, shall we? First, 24 war on me. Multiple holding the flag debuffs and I'm about to die. Drop the flag, and rather than heal with the war's healing debuff, I bubble to drop it. I heal up, and consider going after the EFC who insists on staying in our FR. Upon realizing that my useless team will not help me, and that half the opposing team are with their FC while no one is with me, I decide to waste no further time on this fail of a game.
Selfish? Hell yes. Stupid? Fuck no.
Now, if this amuses you, then by all means, laugh it up. The fact is that everything I do is for a reason. Just because you're too stupid to understand it, does not mean there isn't one.
Let me make it clear once more for the stupid people out there, you can not bubble while holding the flag. It's no longer possible.
You have my permission to laugh at your own stupidity now. You might even live longer.