BiS FC's


Go Outside Fools
So after a long time of being a resto shammy fc, I had forgotten that there is the honor heirloom mace that has resilience on it and I’m like wtf?!? Why haven’t I been using this?!?! So I picked it up and equipped it because obviously it’s better than the other loom mace because +3 resil and +2 spirit is better than +1 crit and +4 int for an FC. This got me thinking, since I had basically disregarded resilience until now, what is the best build in the resilience slots for a shammy FC? Is magician’s mantle better than the resilience heirloom shoulders? Is dual agm better than 1 agm and resil trinket? In what combination are they the most effective? Using Effective Health: Resilience vs. Stamina | Twinking this is what I have come up with.

Note: all health is increased 10% because of Purification - Spell - World of Warcraft
Note2: This is assuming your shammy has BiS in all other slots

Gear: Loom shoulders and dual agm
Health=2234 Resil=43.68%
2234/.5632= 3966 effective health

Gear: Loom shoulders and 1 agm with resil trinket
Health=2102 Resil=46.35%
2102/.5365= 3917 effective health

Gear: Magician’s mantle and dual agm
Health=2311 Resil=41.40%
2311/.5860= 3945 effective health

Gear: Magician’s mantle and 1 agm with resil trinket
Health=2179 Resil=44.13%
2234/.5587= 3900 effective health

This shows you that the Loom shoulders with dual agm would be the best resilience slot build assuming all other slots are BiS. HOWEVER, resto shammies heal themselves. This means that since they will be healing to full possibly many times in a single battle, resilience becomes that much more important. This means that stacking resilience is the most effective route for classes that can heal.

So, in conclusion, the Loom Shoulders with ONE AGM and the resil trinket would be BIS.

Thank-you to Salfir for correcting me :D

Apply this to other FC classes and see what you find!!

Shammy in signature
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I agree with you in principle about a few things, but you're not factoring in the fact that Rshams are a healing class and will obviously heal themselves. Your initial effective health numbers look right but the fact that you'd be healing to full, sometimes many many times in the same fight makes resilience more important than the slightly higher stamina.

Basically, I'd say that loom shoulders / resil trink / AGM is probably the best route.

Here's a similar thread talking about the same issue for clothies.
I agree with you in principle about a few things, but you're not factoring in the fact that Rshams are a healing class and will obviously heal themselves. Your initial effective health numbers look right but the fact that you'd be healing to full, sometimes many many times in the same fight makes resilience more important than the slightly higher stamina.

Indeed, you are smarter than I. In that case, people only need to get one agm and still never need the elusive MM. Good news for everyone!
You've effectively put a lot of time into and made a big deal about something that any decent player already knows.

In before:


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