CC Mage epiphany

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Back when I played a frost mage we didn't use the higher rank of frosbolt because the only thing that mattered was the slow, nothing else.
Haha damn, so many shots taken at Drama. I just hope he's wearing some body armor or sumpthin... tss tss..

I'm afraid you have mistaken Dramatized for a member of the Ugandan space program.

Ha! Although it wasn't my intention to pull race into this discussion, I can definitely see the distinctive Ugandan look in the armored man. Maybe I should've photo shopped Drama's head in there?
Why is my sig not working and why cant i change it it just comes up with a white box and a x through it.
Why is my sig not working and why cant i change it it just comes up with a white box and a x through it.

we can see your avatar thats all that matters
Alright, I'll lay this out for you chopx:

The damage you gain from 22 int/30 sp is negligible not only because its an extremely low amount but because the mana required to heal such damage wouldn't even put a dent in their pool

With damage and burst being lowered Stam actually has a higher worth rather then decreasing in value (with large burst and huge overkill damage a few Stam wouldn't matter because it wouldn't make the difference between life and death[hence the large overkill], but with lower burst and less overkill a few Stam can make the difference between life and death making it much more valuable)

Since you are unable to CC when dead, the Stam is more beneficial to your cause.

Also, you would not be using a CC mage if you were planning to kill off players so you are combining two rolls into one that both follow (for the most part) differing strategies

On top of that if you are in a premade the Stam along with your role has much more relevance to your team as a whole then a few int/sp points

To address your ignorant stab:

If you really wish you can go read the post explaining what happened from my perspective, go ahead, but i think you have a little to much invested here in protecting your ego and you'll probably just run to the conclusion that because I post with somewhat terrible English and like to insult people that I am a bad person and a liar. I made a bad judgment call and didn't ask enough questions (like I should have) which resulted in some controversy.

But here's the difference between you and I. I'm willing to admit I made a mistake and move on.

Your stuck in the past arguing semantics, wording and trying desperately to grasp any last bit of ground you can.

You're pathetic, narrow minded and an ignorant prick.

Sorry you had to hear this from someone you don't respect because it might really hit home if someone you cared about said it to you.

And the post of the month award goes to Derv.
Congrats to Dave, he has 1 good post out of 514. Come back to me when you have a 74% success rate.
Alright, I'll lay this out for you chopx:

The damage you gain from 22 int/30 sp is negligible not only because its an extremely low amount but because the mana required to heal such damage wouldn't even put a dent in their pool

With damage and burst being lowered Stam actually has a higher worth rather then decreasing in value (with large burst and huge overkill damage a few Stam wouldn't matter because it wouldn't make the difference between life and death[hence the large overkill], but with lower burst and less overkill a few Stam can make the difference between life and death making it much more valuable)

Since you are unable to CC when dead, the Stam is more beneficial to your cause.

Also, you would not be using a CC mage if you were planning to kill off players so you are combining two rolls into one that both follow (for the most part) differing strategies

On top of that if you are in a premade the Stam along with your role has much more relevance to your team as a whole then a few int/sp points

in pure stam-gear: 71 spell power, 11,69% crit chance, 1999 hp

my, according to OP, "hybrid" gear setup: 140 spell power, 15,44% crit chance, 1839 hp


Double as much spell power in my gear, a fair amount more of crit and the only thing that differs is 160 hp.


From your post I get the feeling you don't think there's any difference between 70 and 140 spell power, which is extremely wrong. It's an act of balance where you need to ask yourself "how much stam will I be ready to give up for double the spell power I have today?".

Stamina doesn't play a role as big as it did in Cata, now days to even drop to such an low amount of HP where that 160 hp will matter is really rare as BG's are overwhelmed by healers + the unburstyness. "Ohhhh, god, I ran away from that rogue and only have 160 hp left, I'm so glad I went with the full-stam setup"
Most of these arguments are inherently flawed in suggestion that theres a "best of". Obviously you have two gear sets and swap back and forth. No, Obviously if you're playing on a team with fewer healers, you're going to pick le stam set. Curiously enough though, part of your job description as a defensive mage is to be able to finish any dawgs who attempt to repick a flag, so maybe not all of the stamina for that.
All in all, and i hate to say this, but it just comes down to experience and playstyle. get one of each.

Also i lost the game.
even if you were double as observant looking at the scoreboard than your team players health you still wouldn't qualify

dont alter the fact you're a lier and you've never topped dmg in any bg i've seen you in as frost. anytime you wanna prove me wrong go ahead, anytime you 1v1 pm me.

fact is mate you're a sub par mage and an awful reroll cata rogue.
dont alter the fact you're a lier and you've never topped dmg in any bg i've seen you in as frost. anytime you wanna prove me wrong go ahead, anytime you 1v1 pm me.

fact is mate you're a sub par mage and an awful reroll cata rogue.

No offense to you cool Sainttinke, but this is just waaaayyyy out of the context xD
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