Voidwalker: 43 damage basic/50 energy, disarm, pet aggro removal
Imp: 131 damage/1.7 seconds/40 energy, 10% stam buff
Succ: 131 damage/60 energy, no specials
Is there any reason any of you would ever use Succ? I usually roll imp unless disarm seems crucial, but the Succubus has the highest damage basic attack. Currently I pass on her because no specials, but again, any conditions in which you'd use her?
Just curious.
Imp: 131 damage/1.7 seconds/40 energy, 10% stam buff
Succ: 131 damage/60 energy, no specials
Is there any reason any of you would ever use Succ? I usually roll imp unless disarm seems crucial, but the Succubus has the highest damage basic attack. Currently I pass on her because no specials, but again, any conditions in which you'd use her?
Just curious.