Warlock Pets


Voidwalker: 43 damage basic/50 energy, disarm, pet aggro removal
Imp: 131 damage/1.7 seconds/40 energy, 10% stam buff
Succ: 131 damage/60 energy, no specials

Is there any reason any of you would ever use Succ? I usually roll imp unless disarm seems crucial, but the Succubus has the highest damage basic attack. Currently I pass on her because no specials, but again, any conditions in which you'd use her?

Just curious.

Succubus' attacks generate the highest amount of Demonic Energy out of the 3 pets. Sustaining a 24% damage buff is about the only thing that makes Demonology viable other than the AOE slow for kiting/peeling.

Demonology Warlock=

/cast [form:0] !Metamorphosis
/castsequence reset=target Curse of Enfeeblement, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast Lash of Pain

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/castsequence Hand of Gul'dan, Corruption
/cast Lash of Pain

/cast Fear

-Face roll those three buttons while peeling potential FC hazards and you're a good demo lock. I just prefer Destruction but if I played Demo that's how I'd do it.

-When I did play Demonology I had the first two macros on top/bottom mouse scroll and had Fear on my action bar with trinkets/healthstone etc.

-Also I stacked crit, for Metamorphasis. Gives you 324% damage when you crit.

-I didn't use Soul Fire because it's on too long of a cast time and uses too much demonic energy for too low of a damage output and you can't sustain Metamorphosis using it. You'd do overall more damage spamming shadow bolt.

Sorry for writing a mini-demo warlock guide in your topic, I edit my posts too much and tend to get carried away sometimes.
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