you cant compare the nilla raids with MSV 10 heroic at all but diamona

trust me, if u give it an attempt with 8 man in there u will have troubles within valestraz for example, then switch the scumbags with ppl that can push those little extra dps, it will matter to get it down before u die by the debuff. Those things could make it fun when everyone counts in there.
As far as i know bwl trash got buffed in mop release, u have to cc them while being 7-8 man, cause they hit tanks for 5-6 k so u really wanna cc them !
ehm we tried aq 40 - battleguard with 5 peeps just for the fun, its difficulty in another way, the damage was so splitted onto 1 healer and we couldnt bring her down due to dat... Good example for you Test it and come back to me with good news. You are just challenging the old raids within a wrong way, the day you show me a print screen that u actually done bwl within 6-7 man i will actually point you out as a average player, going in with 11-15 man in there wont be any challenge, u will outdps valestraz without having any problems. You have to see it in another perspective, same with twins its defently doable with 8-10 man in there.
ehm and i doubt anyone care how many tier 3 you got on ur damn chars, tier 3 is way to overated, the armor and spell power is soo nerfed its not even worth bragging about it anymore, i would buy it for the mog nothing else. its not like u had those pieces since nilla.
If i had the chance i would defently challenge you to a bwl, aq 40 timed run with equal of ppl in the raid. Cause i dont think you are that cleaver at all.
Everyone already knew that 40 man aq 40 with the same amount of ppl or the half of it will be done within a 20 minish mc could be done while im away making some coffe
If i ever could claim aq 40 for being difficulty i would have done it long time ago
you could also do challenges between guilds, sadly theres barly no guillds

but its a good example to do timed raids every week to compete eachother.
u can do lots of things at 60 nowdays if everyone work together. We have only done bwl 10 man last summer and that was quite smooth, it was not simple as rfc but yeah, 7-8 will do it average, its defently worth raiding it that way !
havent done more than 1 boss in aq 40 with 7 ppl, and the first boss was also medium within those amount of ppl, tho we had cleaver ppl that actually used sheeps, fear and hexed on the Mindcontrolled ppl, that made it alot esier

on this bracket u could never expect that cause its pretty much claustofuck everywhere. Whenever i have those 10 peeps for aq 40 i will stream it for everybody here that are interested and i will show you how to make the raids a little bit more interesting !
I am not taking advantage.... 7 player as max in bwl, 2 tanks 1 with offspec 2 healers and rest dps will do the job for you.
and still yeah! some bosses will still be faceroll such as ebonroc, and firemaw
but chromaggus and especially the trash should be able to give you some stressfull minutes