
All of hunters damage is laughable, that is except for Aimshot; it still hits for 700+ on players.
All of hunters damage is laughable, that is except for Aimshot; it still hits for 700+ on players.

Woot, reason 3 to keep playing my rogue
45% dodge+40% resil
And i am hitting 20% ish in my feral
But most rogue dmg is laughable to, cept for a Combat Evis with the RvS +35%
500ish 5P
This is how I see it.

Hunters have a fast somewhat addicting style of gameplay, you hit a button- boom like nearly instant damage with short cast times for most anything.

Druid on the other hand, imo harder to play well and besides moonfire and insect swarm, the fastest damage cast is 2 seconds, ranging up to 2.7 second cast. The style of play is so much slower, and unless you really like that style, its boring.

Sure I can see a mad switch to druids, but when no one can play them, I feel that not that many people are going to stick with them. But hey, I could be wrong. Atleast i know how to play one.
If hunters get Aimed shot off in a 1v1 it could be nasty. However clever use of LoS and keeping uptime on them will make MM as useless as it is now
Displace -> Smeld -> Displace = three (two if cd is not up depends on repositioning time) wasted aim shots against a hunter. By that time your target.. last 2-3 targets should be dead. Plus you can eat those aim shots if you want and just spam reguv.

I wish druids weren't getting so OP since I just rolled one in the beginning of July. At least their damage got nerfed by nearly 20%, but they will still be losing respect from the community =(
Displace -> Smeld -> Displace = three (two if cd is not up depends on repositioning time) wasted aim shots against a hunter. By that time your target.. last 2-3 targets should be dead. Plus you can eat those aim shots if you want and just spam reguv.

I wish druids weren't getting so OP since I just rolled one in the beginning of July. At least their damage got nerfed by nearly 20%, but they will still be losing respect from the community =(

Why? as said by others, they still have a different style of play, even if they can run around 1shotting people, disengaging across the map, etc... People will still be horrible at it. I can see maybe 5% of all MoP boomies being any type of good. the other 95% will be running around trying to moonfire spam. I can see more people rolling warriors for their dmg and new-found mobility with the in-combat charge.
Displace -> Smeld -> Displace = three (two if cd is not up depends on repositioning time) wasted aim shots against a hunter. By that time your target.. last 2-3 targets should be dead. Plus you can eat those aim shots if you want and just spam reguv.

I wish druids weren't getting so OP since I just rolled one in the beginning of July. At least their damage got nerfed by nearly 20%, but they will still be losing respect from the community =(

You will still be able to tell good ones from bad ones, since they have more management involved to keep their damage up. To do their best damage they will need to learn to line up their damage buffs together for a nasty Ferocious Bite that would rip anyone a new hole. The damage was bumped up, but I believe the skill cap has increased.
Displace -> Smeld -> Displace = three (two if cd is not up depends on repositioning time) wasted aim shots against a hunter. By that time your target.. last 2-3 targets should be dead. Plus you can eat those aim shots if you want and just spam reguv.

I wish druids weren't getting so OP since I just rolled one in the beginning of July. At least their damage got nerfed by nearly 20%, but they will still be losing respect from the community =(

Ferals have missed the 20% nerfs, but they wre weaker then bal to begin with
I feel sorry for the fool who lets a bis bal get off a starsurge
You will still be able to tell good ones from bad ones, since they have more management involved to keep their damage up. To do their best damage they will need to learn to line up their damage buffs together for a nasty Ferocious Bite that would rip anyone a new hole. The damage was bumped up, but I believe the skill cap has increased.

FB is 423(274 AP)
I am getting 42% crit chance on FB if rake is up
x2 on crit
x2 again from the energy of popping TF right before
With SR+30% phys, and the 6 sec bonus from a premite TF(15%)
add 45% to tat number
Mathes out to over 2.5K
Add - 60% for armor'resil
981 dmg(+ 50 from white)
In 1 GCD
FB is 423(274 AP)
I am getting 42% crit chance on FB if rake is up
x2 on crit
x2 again from the energy of popping TF right before
With SR+30% phys, and the 6 sec bonus from a premite TF(15%)
add 45% to tat number
Mathes out to over 2.5K
Add - 60% for armor'resil
981 dmg(+ 50 from white)
In 1 GCD

you're bringing in a ton exaggeration...
You will still be able to tell good ones from bad ones, since they have more management involved to keep their damage up. To do their best damage they will need to learn to line up their damage buffs together for a nasty Ferocious Bite that would rip anyone a new hole. The damage was bumped up, but I believe the skill cap has increased.

I was strictly speaking about mitigating the only REAL damage from hunters (aim shot). And I was speaking from a view point of a balance druid; if I was feral, I would probably take one of the other talents because ferals are really only deadly when they have a lot of ToT which no good player should allow (except the +15% for a 144% movement increase will be hard for some classes to deal with).

Respect wise, I ment more that if you are talented with a druid at the moment you can put others in a world of pain, but with the buffs its much easier to faceroll and thus there will be more mediocre players rolling druids. Even though most will not be able to time things well, just like hunters, people will still lump all the balances into one group - over powered class for nubs.

I'm just going to have a blast in world pvp. Camping chests might become a past time.

Ferals have missed the 20% nerfs, but they wre weaker then bal to begin with I feel sorry for the fool who lets a bis bal get off a starsurge

Good luck trying to stop me from casting in a bush =P haha.

FB is 423(274 AP)
I am getting 42% crit chance on FB if rake is up
x2 on crit
x2 again from the energy of popping TF right before
With SR+30% phys, and the 6 sec bonus from a premite TF(15%)
add 45% to tat number
Mathes out to over 2.5K
Add - 60% for armor'resil
981 dmg(+ 50 from white)
In 1 GCD

If you do the multiplication prior to the independent crit its roughly 750 noncrit 1.5k crit.
Its great for killing those seemingly immortal healers or if you get tot on an EFC =)
Arena too!

All of the druid specs are pretty good. Guardian is the weakest pvp spec, imo.
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I was strictly speaking about mitigating the only REAL damage from hunters (aim shot). And I was speaking from a view point of a balance druid; if I was feral, I would probably take one of the other talents because ferals are really only deadly when they have a lot of ToT which no good player should allow (except the +15% for a 144% movement increase will be hard for some classes to deal with).

Respect wise, I ment more that if you are talented with a druid at the moment you can put others in a world of pain, but with the buffs its much easier to faceroll and thus there will be more mediocre players rolling druids. Even though most will not be able to time things well, just like hunters, people will still lump all the balances into one group - over powered class for nubs.

I may have to try the Wpvp, AP ally is mostly dead, feral is my fav spec, easy to gear, preboa bis
And i dont really have the time to look as 2.4.3 servers

I'm just going to have a blast in world pvp. Camping chests might become a past time.

Good luck trying to stop me from casting in a bush =P haha.

If you do the multiplication prior to the independent crit its roughly 750 noncrit 1.5k crit.
Its great for killing those seemingly immortal healers or if you get tot on an EFC =)
Arena too!

All of the druid specs are pretty good. Guardian is the weakest pvp spec, imo.

All of this i find correct, i like DB, but compared to FS/WC its worthless, if FC'ing(resto) i would take FS, and have more mobility then S12 85's(4.3.4)
not only boomkin, there gonna be alot of feral too. they are they new rogue
Just did some testing with Brov on the ptr literally 5 seconds ago, highest that boomkin is critting for is 600, and rogues do more damage than they do on live right now.

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