Reacting faster is pointless?Keybinding 5 abilities is pointless
And I laugh at Mindy for double posting the same thing
Reacting faster is pointless?Keybinding 5 abilities is pointless
lol forgot about the first one <3And I laugh at Mindy for double posting the same thing
as much as it pains for me to post scoreboards(like they matter or prove anything).You play a BiS fury warrior,eh? There is a NoN BiS not buffed fury warrior.Anything is viable in the right hands in this skilless bracket.I dont even see how a warrior is any different from a hunter.Warriors hit almost as hard...and hoho you have a 40 yard range and i have a 20 yard pisssed.Well work with what you have.Warriors still dominate with pocket heals. Im not a a matter of fact i dont really like my forum name but I could make you a cookie out of any character be it a warlock or a firemage and top charts or whatever in 1 week of gameplay.
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Here are 5 almost BiS hunters(2 of them are BiS). All have BoAs meaning they have been playing long enough to somewhat know their class.
Maybe its the skill department you are lacking perhaps?
do F keys count as clicking.Im pretty sure thats binds.And yes i use W/S/D/A keys to move cuz i moved to fps games.forget mouse turning but if anyone thinks ive never done mouse turning i have done it before any of you even clicked on your first WoW toon. played Diablo 2/LoD for 10 years which is quite similar to WoW albeit the duels were more fast paced and involved skill and dueling hackers
it wasnt GY farming at all. Just in the end it kind of got out of hand. The warrior was just midfighting. What i am trying to say is my opponents were 5 (4 of them having full BoAs) well geared hunters vs a warrior and a bunch of melees. Warriors can do just aswell in the right hands there should be no need for bitching about hunters all you have to know is how each class works in this bracket and what they can and cant do to you before you begin to engage
hunters,banned in arenas?Are you kidding me? They are the worst class on tier with warriors on season 11. Please, show me a hunter with at least 2300 score from rbgs. Every class has a lot pf cc's honeslty
P.S just played on my friends Belf warrior (Igguqq on Aerie peak) and went 24-2. Other team had 4 hunters. And his armory isnt even BIS
as much as it pains for me to post scoreboards(like they matter or prove anything).You play a BiS fury warrior,eh? There is a NoN BiS not buffed fury warrior.Anything is viable in the right hands in this skilless bracket.I dont even see how a warrior is any different from a hunter.Warriors hit almost as hard...and hoho you have a 40 yard range and i have a 20 yard pisssed.Well work with what you have.Warriors still dominate with pocket heals. Im not a a matter of fact i dont really like my forum name but I could make you a cookie out of any character be it a warlock or a firemage and top charts or whatever in 1 week of gameplay.
View attachment 167
Here are 5 almost BiS hunters(2 of them are BiS). All have BoAs meaning they have been playing long enough to somewhat know their class.
Maybe its the skill department you are lacking perhaps?
i was a 20 hunter.Ive killed countless 24s as a 20. Here is the deal.24 warriors should die just as easy as a 20.I multibox 3x f2p hunters ....and they blow anything up in 1 hit. my point is ..there was 5 well geared (2 BiS) hunters and nicely geared healers vs melees and if they focus the warrior or the healer he/she will die.As a matter of fact one of my favorite matchups back when i was 20 was against 24 BiS rouges.A 20 can stand a chance against a 24 just depends what matchups.I dont even understand how can someone lose with 5 hunters that badly vs MELEES if people say hunters are so hurr durr OP
Your AP mentality tends think that 24s are some sort of an indestructible force. No.Its usually the other way around epsecially if AP premades roll 4-5 healers.Why i multibox..i can at least get ''something'' done besides pumping in useless damage which gets healed right back up.Skill in AP is usually defined and determined by which side rolled more healers
Yes sure i had like 35% win ratio because i didnt have pocket heals solo queued.I have another warrior i queue with a pocket healer 44 wsg played 22 won 50% win ratio.