PTR Update, for those who were wondering.

While true, hpallys will, and hunters are being nerfed(a lot)
Thus, bal/healers are the "new" huntard™

Huntard™ Is a byproduct of Blizzard inc.
All side affects come from Blizzard inc's desire for only max lvl balance, and any side effects of the Hunter™, should be ingored, and sucked up

Moonkins still don't Scatter/Disengage/Kill Cummand/Disarm and/or Intimidate. Only roots, Travel Form and some burst, wow big deal.
They can disengage, with the wild charge talent
But the big change to hunters , is that they can be dodged'parry'd, they will still be on top, but no longer as op'd, with thier dmg cut down a lot
And rejuv hitting +200, instant cast, heals on cast, and ticks every 3 for 12 sec
While I was derping around on the PTR I gave a shaman some BOA gear and weapon so I could level her. So far, we lost kiteability with no more Earthbind totem, however we make up for that slightly with instant ghost wolf. However we lost the passive to never go below normal speed. But only a few classes have snares so its not TOO much of a problem.

Warlocks on the other hand, have all the kiteability in either Destro, or Demo, but I rather like Destro. Conflag has two charges, and snares for 5s if the target has immolate on him. Conflag is on a 12s CD, which means you can have extreme up time on the snare unless a healer cleanses it (Which they will, since all healers have a cleanse that cleanses magic effects.) I can see some more interest coming back to Arena since healers are a bit more meaningful than "Spam the heal button forever until someone goes down."

After shaman testing, I went back to leveling. level 45 ele sham and its fun. It feels nice to level again... even if its only temporary.
Pretty sure the hpal one isnt a magic dispel, just a disease/poison/whatever it is.
H pallies is a magic dispel yes. Just checked. And if thats the case, then Rshams and Hpaladins will once again be a cut above a resto druid, however only time will tell. Boomkin abilities got a nerf bat, but I don't know how much it will affect the lower level brackets. either they will barely feel it, or they will definitely feel it.

Shamans got a nerf/buff. one for lightening bolt, and Flame shock dot damage being increase 27%, however the damage of FS doesn't feel any different than it did before.... I guess it would require a Recount to check
Beta Experience Required to Level Changed
The amount of experience required to level changed recently in beta, decreasing for a portion of leveling under 85 and significantly increasing with level 85 and onward. See the table below for a rough idea of the changes.

Due to the lack of people leveling in beta, it was hard to get data for some of the level ranges. If you happen to have a character in the questionable level ranges (including Level 82-84), be sure to check and let us know what you find!

You can get a good idea of the XP rewarded by the new quests by glancing over the various Zone Pages on WoWDB.

LevelOld XP RequirementNew XP Requirement
85-8610 million15.5 million (+55%)
86-8711.6 million18 million (+55%)
87-8814.6 million22.6 million (+55%)
88-8917.6 million27.3 million (+55%)
89-9021.2 million32.8 million (+55%)
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Beta Experience Required to Level Changed
The amount of experience required to level changed recently in beta, decreasing for a portion of leveling under 85 and significantly increasing with level 85 and onward. See the table below for a rough idea of the changes.

Due to the lack of people leveling in beta, it was hard to get data for some of the level ranges. If you happen to have a character in the questionable level ranges (including Level 82-84), be sure to check and let us know what you find!

You can get a good idea of the XP rewarded by the new quests by glancing over the various Zone Pages on WoWDB.

LevelOld XP RequirementNew XP Requirement
85-8610 million15.5 million (+55%)
86-8711.6 million18 million (+55%)
87-8814.6 million22.6 million (+55%)
88-8917.6 million27.3 million (+55%)
89-9021.2 million32.8 million (+55%)

Even faster 10-39? Gee...
They can disengage, with the wild charge talent But the big change to hunters , is that they can be dodged'parry'd, they will still be on top, but no longer as op'd, with thier dmg cut down a lot And rejuv hitting +200, instant cast, heals on cast, and ticks every 3 for 12 sec
Balance druids are going to be godly in the hands of an excellent player, but hunters will still be the most annoying class in this bracket because of their inherent derpiness, which is only going to increase in MOP. Imagine being helplessly rooted when they disengage into a wall 6 yards behind them and getting shot point blank in melee range with your only defense being a lucky dodge. I'll give my dual AGM prot paladin a chance in MOP, but it's not looking very good for melee right now.
Balance druids are going to be godly in the hands of an excellent player, but hunters will still be the most annoying class in this bracket because of their inherent derpiness, which is only going to increase in MOP. Imagine being helplessly rooted when they disengage into a wall 6 yards behind them and getting shot point blank in melee range with your only defense being a lucky dodge. I'll give my dual AGM prot paladin a chance in MOP, but it's not looking very good for melee right now.

^this x 1K
Feral driud is looking okish
i may play a rogue, for my demon hunter mog only
How are sub rogues/demo/destro's doing atm
I am looking to play mine, but dmg seems low atm

"presenting the op'drood™"
200 mangles, player ( uncertan on this, may be reading the wep dmg wrong, at lease 100)
1506(O_O) FB crits( 40%(mine) chance on bleeding targs), dmg doubled by saving up for 2.5 sec, with TF/savage roar increasing by 45%
600 dmg 5p rip on player targets
for the crit's, you will need to blow a 2-3 CP sr( 24 sec)
have rake on target(build's last combo point 4-5
And TF right before the rake
So, if 4 CP,& 7+ sec of SR
rake>TF>FB crit
It may take time, but this is reals burst

or, you can get a 600 dmg 5p rip up, before needing to refresh SR
If you can pull it, id get a 1.5K FB crit

I am in near bis gear
All numbers are taken with a -60% dmg to accoutn for the 40% resil, and average armor
Actual numbers may vary a bit

Bal not hapening, my bal gear sucks
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