Learning to Keybind for new players

Maybe your a new player to WoW, or perhaps you have played a long time clicking those abilities along the way. Now your enjoying PvP and would like to expand your skills and improve your speed. Well, using keybinds is probably the fastest and easiest change you can make.

Many players feel intimidated switching to binds and quickly become frustrated. Fortunately, in the FTP bracket we do not have a huge number of abilities. This will make it much easier to make that transition from clicker to binder.

In this thread, I'll share some of the techniques that made my transition smoother years ago.

Personally, I changed my movement keys to ESDF instead of the usual WASD, and unbound my back peddle key. This opens up a few new binds and because in this bracket we have a limited number of abilities shift and alt modifiers arent quite so needed. Back in the day I used to use the thumb button on my mouse as the modifier. You can also use your middle mouse button but like I mentioned its not really needed here.

The next thing I did was bind my two most used twitch skills to mouse forward and mouse backward. And that was the only binds I used for a few battlegrounds. I was really impressed with how much quicker my reaction were with just this change.

Eventually, I added other frequently used abilities to easy keys to reach. Keys R, W, G, D, A, and middle mouse were to first ones. And I switched my target nearest enemy to T because tab became difficult to use with ESDF.

My best advice is to take it slow. Start with your most used abilities and add more from there. In this bracket, you really only need maybe 15 binds or less for any class. Add a new one a day and get used to it before adding more. Within a week or so, clicking will be a thing of the past and you won't ever want to go back.

These days I use a Razer Naga so my binds would be less then useful to share. But given this setup on a blood elf disc priest this would be my binds.

MouseF - Flash Heal
MouseB- Renew
MouseM - Power word Shield
Q - Heal
W - Arcane Torrent
R - Trinket
T- Target nearest enemy player
Tab - Target nearest enemy
D - Pennance
A - Psychic Scream
G- Holy Fire
V - Mind Blast
B - Smite
C - Shadow word Pain
Then I would click my buffs or bind them to something easy to reach like 5 and 6 etc.

Obviously, this isnt the only way to keybind. But just some examples and things that helped me personally. Hopefully, this post can help some other players and help them have more fun in game.
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mine is
` 1 2 3 4 5 r f v c x
with 2 modifiers, this is 11 keys.
11 x 3 = 33 = more than enough keys for f2ps
mine are
w,e,r,d for movement
1,2,3,4,5,q,a,s,d,f,g,h,y,j, mouse forward, backward, and middle mouse for attacks
t for target
that is more tan enough for any f2p player it even has room for double binds for most players.
It's like the f2p community in general is 4 years behind from the rest in term of playstyle
yo guys. i liek my mousewheel. mousewheel back mousewheel forward middle mouse and shift control alt all of those before i even touch any other binds :p
In my opinion the F2P community is sort of 4 years "behind" (or more), because it's actually drawing a huge amount of new and naturally inexperienced people into a twinking environment.

*Just in case I wasn't clear; I think that's mostly a very good thing. ^^
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i never thought of it that way (about the 4 years part) but you may be right. yes, i think you are correct.

as for on topic: mouse movement (probossftw) + arrow keys {for strafe}
keybinds all on the numpad (the right side of the keyboard)
insert,home,delete,ect (those 6)
f1-f12 for macros and whatnots
click to target
umm yea dats it :p
i learn mine from a youtube guide,

i used
F1, F2, F3, F4(pet's action)



frequent cast spells

A(left), S(foward), D(right)

f(potions, bandages),g(agm)

z(mount),x(2nd form),c,v,b,n(other buff, summon pet and stuff)

mouse scroll up/down (aoe spells)
Well, I play a priest on private servers and I almost have one max level on retail so on my f2p there are a lot of gaps in my binds.
` is autorun, use QWE to move
1=Renew, 2=Penance, 4=Flash Heal, shift-4=Lifeblood, 5=Heal/Smite (depending on target)
T=Psychic Scream, Y=Mount
S=Penance Self
Z=Mind Blast, ctrl-Z=Holy Fire, X=Shadow Word: Pain, C=Shield, shift-C=Shield self, V=Wand
buffs dont really matter where you bind them, lots of people don't even bother.

Mouse scroll wheel=party1 and party2
Mouse button 5=target self (play without auto self cast)
Why would you keybind when clicking is obviously easier? I mean whats wrong with clicking?
1. You can mouseturn while hitting buttons that you have abilities bound to
2. Quicker reaction times
3. You won't be flamed by elitists/trolls as much
4. Lower error margin, especially when under pressure
5. Lower time loss between abilities, using your hand is faster and more accurate than pointing with the mouse
6. Don't have to look at your action bars, can look for what's happening and what people are doing

Also: clicking is not easier, that's an opinion based on what you're comfortable with. It's easier to be lazy and not keybind, which is completely different.
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1. You can mouseturn while hitting buttons that you have abilities bound to
2. Quicker reaction times
3. You won't be flamed by elitists/trolls as much
4. Lower error margin, especially when under pressure
5. Lower time loss between abilities, using your hand is faster and more accurate than pointing with the mouse
6. Don't have to look at your action bars, can look for what's happening and what people are doing

Also: clicking is not easier, that's an opinion based on what you're comfortable with. It's easier to be lazy and not keybind, which is completely different.

7: I find in pvp, especially if your a melee, you need the higher ToT that mouseturning brings, and ya cant click and move with ya mouse, but its fine in pve( lesss your running HM's)

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