Quest Chain help (Bracers of the Ancient Grove)

Leave No TracksDiscover the identity of Soggoth.
Stepping Up SurveillanceDiscover the Twilights' Hammer plan.
Unearthed KnowledgeSeek more information.
Soggoth and KronnLearn of a historic battle.
The Slumbering AncientsSeek help from Ancients.
Naga In Our MidstLearn that Naga stole an essential horn.
The Darkscale WarlordKill the Naga responsible.
The Offering to AzsharaRetrieve the horn.
The Battle for DarkshoreFight Soggoth with help.

Not gonna take credit for this, its located in the comment for the bracres you want on wowhead.
Good luck doing this quest(s).
Just do pretty much every quest in the Grove of the Ancients and you should eventually get the Q. Shouldn't take that long either. Also, wowhead + google are your friends when it comes to twinking / anything :)
Leave No TracksDiscover the identity of Soggoth.
Stepping Up SurveillanceDiscover the Twilights' Hammer plan.
Unearthed KnowledgeSeek more information.
Soggoth and KronnLearn of a historic battle.
The Slumbering AncientsSeek help from Ancients.
Naga In Our MidstLearn that Naga stole an essential horn.
The Darkscale WarlordKill the Naga responsible.
The Offering to AzsharaRetrieve the horn.
The Battle for DarkshoreFight Soggoth with help.

Not gonna take credit for this, its located in the comment for the bracres you want on wowhead.
Good luck doing this quest(s).
I saw that. But, it doesn't say what needs to be unlocked. Anyway, I know how to the quest now. Thanks. :D

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