10 Warlock

I'd go Trogg-Slayer + 5 hit enchant to boots. Get BoA insignia, Voice Amplification Modulator, Willow Bracer of the Eagle (1 / 1 ) Dryad's Wand + 225 Herb / Skin and you'd be BiS. AGM is your choice.
Not a huge 10 twinker, but If you want the hit and keep some stam could always go with The Hit/resi Staff. Not sure how well resilence scales at 1-10.

Stamina is always a huge plus for Lock especially at lower levels so as Nyzora said get an AGM ASAP.
Warlock with full resi, dotting and fast Life Steal is really nice.
Full resi gear would be: Staff, Trinket & Shoulders, which results in a nice amount of resilience and hit :)

Get Harvester Boots with Minor Speed increase, so you can run and kite those melees, while your dots and pet is getting them down And also get Trogg-Slayer Boots with 7stamina for when facing ranged.

Also get
Voice Amplification Modulator10% silence reduction.
Dread Pirate Ring Crit/Hit/Stam
1int/1stam or 2stam bracers (you choose, about preferences) with 9+ stam or 7+ int, again whatever you prefer.
Dryad's Wand Int/stam

And ofc Skinning and Herbalism :)
I looked up the dread pirate ring on wowhead and it said it was no longer available in game. :(
6 hit is cap for Spells. Which is why I roll Trogg-slayers and +5 hit. That only sacrifices the boots. I hate using the staff because I prefer using furbolg and 1H.
Your lock looks nice. :D is Aff the better spec?

I am not really sure. UA and Corruption tick pretty hard but I am still experimenting with specs. Conflag provides more burst I believe so it's probably easier to finish kills in Destro. I have tried both and I have enjoyed just dotting and running with nice corruption ticks. I am going to switch back to destro again and see if it's better now. I was using that before I had all the gear and wasn't very happy with it but I have improved my gear and ton so now I want to try Destro agaiin. :). THanks for the compliment. :)
I am not really sure. UA and Corruption tick pretty hard but I am still experimenting with specs. Conflag provides more burst I believe so it's probably easier to finish kills in Destro. I have tried both and I have enjoyed just dotting and running with nice corruption ticks. I am going to switch back to destro again and see if it's better now. I was using that before I had all the gear and wasn't very happy with it but I have improved my gear and ton so now I want to try Destro agaiin. :). THanks for the compliment. :)

Np! I will try affliction and see what happens. Destro is okay, but conflag doesn't hit too hard. :/

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