Keep in mind this is a relatively biased poll as I would argue a strong majority of f2p players do not consistently check, let alone read TI. Will be interesting to see what the results are regardless though.
There's a difference between what people on TI play and what is most prevelent in the bracket.
Top US 10 HKs:
50% Hunter
30% Paladin
10% Rogue
10% Priest
The above list is probably pretty accurate as far as what we see in the bracket. The mix on TI is a little more varied. The lower part of Lofi's HK list isn't accurate because it's currently filled with AP. As more names are added to the HK list, it will probably end up being similar to the top 10 as far as class distribution goes.
Well alot of people on TI/ AP(I know this) can be biased against hunters and certain classes. IF only we could reach this out to everyone in the bracket.
But i put in my 2! Druid and Priest keeping it cool.
Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage. I have a paladin and druid but they don't count because none have a BOA yet. Just put me down for 4 out of the 5 flavor of the month classes, thx!
Shamans are making a comeback! Now at the same percentage as hunters wich are losing percentages as it seems. The proud warriors have voted already and seem to have stopped at 19. The mage and druid are now about to pass them. The rogues and paladins are now in the lead with the rogues closing in on the paladins.
This is so much more exciting then the soccer competition in Europe atm. Also if i make mutliple shamans am i allowed to vote more often?