F2P Alli Druid heals?


Hey all! I was going to make a new F2P twink! A druid healer, on the Alliance. But I was wondering... Are druids decent healers? Or am I better off going Priest, Paladin, or Shaman?

Could I get an armory of a druid healer, too?
arguably the worst healer in this bracket but most fun healer in this bracket
i love it you wont go wrong with it
Ah, sounds sad. >.>

Oh, btw. Ohai Dubbs. I was subscribed to you for a while on Youtube and I am going to roll a F2P on Norg. Besides, I had a level one twink on Norg a while ago. Lol.
go shaman

there are waaay too many holy paladins(looking at you belf paladins) and priests

my favorite healer now.Sure i might not top heals and my heals dont crit by 1.5k like a holy and i dont have these oh shit layon hands/bubbles but roll a shammy for the ''cool'' factor
Resto Druids are by far the funnest healers at this level, and they are also viable.

In order of funness (a general opinion of people I've talked too)

Holy Priest/Disc

In terms of healing through-put






Damaging Capabilities


If you're going to pug, Fcingness
why not just roll a druid and see if you like it? I saw some good resto druids and tbh I am jealous of their mobility when things get too hairy.
Druids are the weakest healers at this lvl just like there 85 counterparts. Honestly, any other healer would be better but unless you want to be a good fc, don't pick a druid

They're just different. If you want to play a class that sits still and heal things, it's true that sham/priest/pally can probably do it better. But when you want to keep up with a mobile fc, switch quickly between bases in ab, kite things.... resto is the way to go. No other healer has the same mobility, and if you're an ansty bugger like me who likes to move around resto druids are great.

They're just different. If you want to play a class that sits still and heal things, it's true that sham/priest/pally can probably do it better. But when you want to keep up with a mobile fc, switch quickly between bases in ab, kite things.... resto is the way to go. No other healer has the same mobility, and if you're an ansty bugger like me who likes to move around resto druids are great.

You'r Thaktii right? Seen yeh in bgs. Yeh seem to stress about the mid idiots.
You'r Thaktii right? Seen yeh in bgs. Yeh seem to stress about the mid idiots.

Haha yeah. It would not be an unusual occurrence to see me nerdrage when I can't get a team to leave mid.... I hate losing with a team that's perfectly capable of winning and just won't pull their heads out of their as----- er, mid, and do it :p

I'm working on taking deep breaths ^_^
A real advantage to resto druids is they tend to die less than other healers. I have never once in a bg heard "FFS, kill the resto druid".
A real advantage to resto druids is they tend to die less than other healers. I have never once in a bg heard "FFS, kill the resto druid".
Probably because 1 player is enough to get him down. Getting 3 brainless people to attack the same target is a lot harder and it seems that needs some coordination ie. "FFS, kill the Hpal." :rolleyes:
But see Tkatii or Olé heal and be amazed. <3
I guess I really need to group with Olé at some point to see it for myself. In my experience, I just don't see Druids having the healing output to keep someone alive through the dps even a single Hunter puts out not even considering considering the burst. Priests have the bubble, which is insanely useful on FCs and squishy targets. hPally have insane FoL heals coupled with Holy Shock for crazy burst healing. Shaman has Earth Shield which generally provides enough time to keep a target up. On my Warrior rDruids go down in like 2 global cooldowns and cannot get away because of Piercing Howl.
I guess I really need to group with Olé at some point to see it for myself. In my experience, I just don't see Druids having the healing output to keep someone alive through the dps even a single Hunter puts out not even considering considering the burst. Priests have the bubble, which is insanely useful on FCs and squishy targets. hPally have insane FoL heals coupled with Holy Shock for crazy burst healing. Shaman has Earth Shield which generally provides enough time to keep a target up. On my Warrior rDruids go down in like 2 global cooldowns and cannot get away because of Piercing Howl.
Druids are fine. But they are more about assistance, instead of straight up healing like Paladins.

And btw, no way you can kill a decent Rdruid as a Warrior.
Alright, you're right, if the druid goes bear form and kites me with thorns, I die. But that takes a fairly long time and in the mean time, he isn't healing and his team is dying.
Alright, you're right, if the druid goes bear form and kites me with thorns, I die.

I think it's more like... aside from the inital charge (assuming you get that off) there is absolutely zero chance you will ever be in melee range of that RDruid again, for the duration of your *duel.*


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