how do you move?

... I guess you could bind strafing/moving forward to mouse buttons?

idk I personally use QWE
1 2 3 4 5

E= toggles autorun
S=Strafe left
F=Strafe right

everything around it are my abilities
QW are all my heals and attacks respectively in every spec of paladin. This includes Crusader Strike, Judgement, Holy SHock(holy), Avengers Shield(prot), Templar's Verdict(ret), Flash of Light, WoG. No mod needed just alt for self casting.

R is my HoJ
T is bubble
D is my exo
G is trinket
ZX are lifeblood and arcane torrent
V is mount
B is my LoH

3 is aura

everything else not mentioned does nothing. Abilities are placed around movement keys. Took some practice to get used to but this equals into very fluid movement with ease of reach to all abilities.

Actually used to only use auto run to run and turn around with mouse, no strafing. The noob old days.
QW are all my heals and attacks respectively in every spec of paladin. This includes Crusader Strike, Judgement, Holy SHock(holy), Avengers Shield(prot), Templar's Verdict(ret), Flash of Light, WoG. No mod needed just alt for self casting.

Macro? If so what is it?
A - for strafe left / D - for strafe right & I turn around with my mouse while holding right click. Holding Right & Left click in the same time will move your char forward.

You can find some extra info in this guide : Beginners Guide to PvP!! :p
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to make a long story short, you should only ever have to use 4 keys for movement in this game: strafe right, strafe left, run forward/autorun, and the S key. you use the mouse to turn and change direction. i use a key to run forward that is separate from my autorun to be absolutely safe about it, but i suppose it's not completely necessary.

some people will tell you that you should never use your S key (backpedal) in pvp, but this is not true. if you're playing a melee class and fighting against another melee(s), proper use of the S key can ensure that you can always hide your back. oftentimes this will be no more than a tap or two, but it can really come in handy when positioning yourself properly.
I'll tell you how I move...

Left arrow to go Right
Right arrow to move Right
Up arrow to move Forward
Down arrow to move Backward

I don't strafe, I don't use those weird ADQWE whatever keys and I certainly never take a Left turn.
hold both mouse buttons down, use the numpad on the right side of keyboards, hold left/right with mouse buttons to straif, (hunter mode) = hold mouse buttons, jump & turn around (spam w/e move) turn back around, rinse and repeat. idk if anyone does this but i have never seen it, it works amazing for me and i just love it, i used to be a clicker and not that i couldent make that work but after a year or 2 of not playing my habit switched and now i moved to this. (I CANT POSSIBLY BACKPEDDLE FTW :D) but yea...
I consequently use the down arrow to get anywhere. I turn around with the right arrow and walk backwards.

Need to FC? I backpeddle* all the way across the field.

*or -pedal (which is it?)
Macro? If so what is it? last post on first page. A detailed explanation.

on first button in action bar 1 2 3 4

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtfsap] Flash of Light; [help,nodead,target=focus] Flash of Light; [harm,nodead] Crusader Strike
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 2
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtflawl] Flash of Light; [help,nodead,target=focus] Flash of Light [harm,nodead] Judgement
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 3
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtflawl] Flash of Light; [help,nodead,target=focus] Flash of Light [harm,nodead] Templar's Verdict
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 4
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

on second button in action bar 1 2 3

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtfsap] Word of Glory; [help,nodead,target=focus] Word of Glory; [nodead,harm] Holy Shock
/cast Avenger's Shield
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 3
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtfsap] Holy Shock; [help,nodead,target=focus ] Holy Shock; [nodead,harm] Templar's Verdict
/cast Avenger's Shield
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 2
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/cast [mod:alt,target=Omgwtflawl] Word of Glory; [help,nodead,target=focus] Word of Glory; [nodead,harm] Templar's Verdict
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1
/changeactionbar 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
bound to W
/target [target=mouseover,nodead,exists,harm]
/focus [target=mouseover,nodead,help]
/click ActionButton2

bound to Q
/target [target=mouseover,nodead,exists,harm]
/focus [target=mouseover,nodead,help]
/click ActionButton1

You press lets say W which presses action button 2 in default action bar. Each macro has a /changeactionbar # which in turn cycles the macros so you just spam them and your abilities will go off depending what you have mouse over. You don't need to continuously mouse over enemies just when u have to heal since my setup Focuses ally>heals>clears focus else my setup wont work. It also makes switching specs easy since the setup works with anything and I don't have to move abilities around.
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I used to be "AWSD" like you, while using the numpad on the right. Numpad, and Ctrl+Numpad. I still do so on Casters.

Now, on Melee, I mouse turn, and use C,X,Z,S, and Ctrl C, Ctrl X, Ctrl Z, Ctrl S for my abilities, 1-9 on the top number strip for clickable buffs, F for mount, G for trinket, and tab for targeting.
Personally I use ASDW i bind Q and E abilities. for strafing i hold down left mouse button and hit A or D
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After reading Deavulcano's mage guide i switched to esdf and never looked back. One nice think about moving over, is that there's that little bump on the f key that you can use to find your way home if you get lost fingerdancing.

And I think the backpedaling/backpeddling dichotomy deserves it's own thread. Unless we are trying to stop hunters slowly hawking their wares across the battlefield.
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