100 year old HD pictures in color

100-years-ago-russia really sucked. Cool pics, though
I'm really astonished as well, you got this frame in your head of that everything was black and white before the '50s.

i always think of the past in black and white which is why its so trippy watching shows like american restoration and stuff and seeing how colorful crap was back then, then trying to put that into your constant frame of mind...being high helps
I actually seen one of these pictures, number 28, for about 1 year ago. But this photo album is amazing! You totally get another picture (not black and white lol)
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Wow! How awesome, fresh, amazing and wonderful pictures you have! after 100 years it seems that nothing has changed, all are clear! Great!
This is quite interesting, and the description reminds me of the techniques used to film the original Star Wars. :3

I have included a link that explains it. I personally found it to be a decent, and informative read.
Save Star Wars
How sad... every picture looks so idyllic, but it was only a few years before Russia was plunged in to WWI and then the Bolshevik Revolution... little did they know.
Just don't restore the old war photographs... :(

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