The Next Big Gold Sink

Another grasping at straws pathetic idea.

Buying Tier 3 on a "Black Market" AH? Rofl.

You know they are getting desperate when they try to pull stuff like this. Mind you they have track record of fucking over people who have put any effort into the game and it will continue no doubt.

Cannot say I am surprised.
I disagree, I think this is the best gold sink idea, however I would wish the t3 are xmog items, as in no stats, this is by far blizz's best idea of taking gold out of the server economy.
Doesnt matter when you have alot of $€$€$€$€$

I dont.... :p But i need T3 gear, a lot for my vanilla twink. Maybe people will not care about T3 as much, cuz u can get it free at wotlk naxx
I think, that the only people who will buy t3 will be collectors..
Unless someone have a few millions to spare, i dont see any reason why anyone should buy a piece of armor for 20k+, just for transmog
teebus go for around 50k, and they are very rare, but still obtainable, unlike the t3, which is only obtainable from the bmah
I wouldn't even be surprised if Blizz launched an official gold-selling site along with this AH...

Similar sentiments to myself. Having played Beta I'm in two minds whether to even buy it (a definite first for me) let alone worry about an BM AH, lol.
any lvl 60 twinks planning on buying T3 to actualy use? also WTB 10/25 Naxx meta drakes

I would be so pissed off if they did this. We worked hard as hell to get the Plagued Drake before it was gone. So much stress etc. If they just sold it off to whoever could farm the AH I'd imagine a lot of hard core raiders would become disillusioned. Next up, selling realm first titles.
i spent two years farming tempest keep hopeing for the day for ashes of al'ar to drop and now you can buy it for 20,000 gold with just a click of a button. It's a slap in the face. I honestly would like this to be scraped.

i couldnt agree more
you cannot get it for 20k. starting bid is 20k. there are many players on each server with gold cap or more, and would be willing to pay a shit ton of gold for ashes
patience will be key on BMAH. yeah there are of players with alot of gold, they will be the ones getting the items at first and at really high prices. this will wear down alot of players gold fast. WOW is not D3 where bots/exploits were able to be used and many players have like 21 mil+ gold on a game that has been out for less than....what....6-7 months? a WOW player who blows 1mil gold in the first 2-3 months of BMAH along with others will not be able to replace fast should even better deals or the same items appear at later dates

dead servers will be a way to get items rather cheap. like i said in another post on making money, i have a 19 paladin with a level-5 that fish at DMFs, i was 19K+ on gold from last DMF (21k+ now). many of the 85's on that server including one 85 i SoR'd by talking to his F2P 20 by chance have 3000-15000G. my 19 is in a large 25-guild, most of what i see in g-chat is concerning gold, unable to afford epic flying, armor repairs (after g-limit), etc, etc. i can foresee epic steals on dead server when it comes to BMAH
Wonder if this will stay related to current avaible content or if they might give out items who have been removed, ie original bear, raptor, tiger etc.

Since it seems they might give out t3 i have hopes on older mounts too and this would make a lot of people happy, nonetheless account prices might drop significantly.

Yeah it may seem like a good thing for those who never got the mounts, at the same time it'll piss a lot of people off, especially those with the grandfathered mounts which added a lil spark to their acc/char.

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