The Next Big Gold Sink


Beats on Fourteens
The Black Market is another scheme for Blizzard to implement a gold sink… a very big gold sink. The Black Market Auction House will serve as a place to buy very rare mounts, recipes that have been taken out of the game, and even tier 3 armor (nax40). How this works is an npc is rarely put on a mount like Ashes of Al’ar up onto this AH. The catch is there is no buyout; only a bid option. So the whole server keeps bidding on the mount, or whatever it is, therefore the price will keep rising. Other mounts that will most likely be rarely placed apon this Black Market Ah are: Blazing Drake, Swift White Hawkstrider, and maybe even the extremely sought after Invincible.

This should be fun to watch.

I can't wait to see what sort of prices some of these items will sell for.
This could be a great idea or a horrid idea depending on how many of these mounts/items they plan to have up at any given time. If they auction off Invincible more than once a month, that is just absolutely broken.

I mean, implementation will dictate whether or not this could be a rare item/mount killer.
Wonder if this will stay related to current avaible content or if they might give out items who have been removed, ie original bear, raptor, tiger etc.

Since it seems they might give out t3 i have hopes on older mounts too and this would make a lot of people happy, nonetheless account prices might drop significantly.
oh boy! I can finally buy that murloc costume, blizzcon mount, and murky and look like an oldfag on wow lolol
i spent two years farming tempest keep hopeing for the day for ashes of al'ar to drop and now you can buy it for 20,000 gold with just a click of a button. It's a slap in the face. I honestly would like this to be scraped.
now you can buy it for 20,000 gold with just a click of a button. It's a slap in the face. I honestly would like this to be scraped.

The bidding starts at 20K gold. There is no way someone will ever be able to buy it for that amount (through legit means). Expect the price to rise very fast when one of these mounts gets put up in the AH.
The way i see it either blizzard raises gold cap ( currently 1 milion on a toon ) either every auction will end with whoever bid's 1 milion first since you cant carry more than that on a toon, but this does not really seem fair to the system the ah / bidding is supposed to follow.
Time to get Draenaidruid back in business!
This will be fun to see who the real ballers are. My home server has at least a dozen Gcapped players, many of which are enthusiats of rare vanity items. If this is legit I would likely throw down a mil for mim's head.

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