Heal hunters or not?


As stated in threadline.

I`ve been recently had alot of angry whispers from huntards that don`t think they got healed enough in bg`s. It`s the same huntards as always. Not namedropping anyone though..

I`ll give an example from a WSG recently;

A warrior and pally is nuking EFC at FR hordebase. A backpeddling huntard 2 yards away from EFC yells for heals because he cannot kite nor strafe.

Conclusion: Huntard recives no heal exept for a Renew and dies because he plays like a tool and I continued healing the ones focusing on what they should :EFC. With some help from shammy the warrior grabbed the flag back and we won.

I dont have anything against huntards at all. I got many myself but please start understand that huntards dont even need to be healed in a major way in bg`s if they know their class.

What input do you have on this?

- Cavejuice, Priest, Draenor EU

*Edit : spelling.
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I think for a large part the "prejudice" against hunters in f2p is a little exaggerated.

There are a lot of competent hunter players on F2P, on Aerie Peak and other realms - and on the other end, there are a lot of "scrub" (lack of a better word) hunters who backpedal/keyturn/etc.

If I was playing a healer, there _are_ certain hunters I would literally stick to and heal all game long because I'm confident that they can protect me and get the objective.

You seem like a player with some experience in the lower level brackets - so you should be able to decide for yourself whether a player, specifically a hunter, is worth healing or not.
thread title should be Heal bad players or not as hunters are the not only ones who can fail from not understanding how to play. Yeah you can stop giving heals to some players if you find that stopping to healing them results in a gain and not not a complete loss. I call them punching bags. You heal them to keep them up although they do shit dps to enemies, the enemy in the other hand is dpsing away that inexperienced player while you go oom trying you best.

In some cases i go completely offensive if i know i can out dps some players. Who cares if they die, they were a better use of a meat shield anyways. All in all make the situation a plus for you and don't forget to ignore if they start talking smack.

edit:mad:Purse yeah lol cling to the people who know how to dps. Heal in priority, 5 min in a match I can see who are the people i need to stick around with.
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Yes, it`s true what you say about "bad players" and not only hunters. Main focus is ofcourse on players that I know can do the job done.

Reason I put hunters in threadtitle was only for the reason that it`s the hunters who, I would dare to say 99% of the times, yelling for healing and calling out numerous of shittalking because of no heal when I focused healing players that do what they should do and always do that well.
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Yes, it`s true what you say about "bad players" and not only hunters. Main focus is ofcourse on players that I know can do the job done.

Reason I put hunters in threadtitle was only for the reason that it`s the hunters who, I would dare to say 99% of the times, yelling for healing and calling out numerous of shittalking because of no heal when I focused healing players that do what they should do and always do that well.

I haven't really seen a lot of bad hunters yell/call out for healing in BGs on US server... maybe its more of a EU thing.

Also - instead of healing a bad player, you can always switch to offensive and hurt the enemy instead while they waste time dpsing the noob on your team.

Priests/H Pally are pretty good at offensive spellcasting. If you are playing a Resto Druid and need to deal some damage, god help you. :/
A smart player, a smart healer for that matter, prioritizes their heal targets based on a number of factors, including who is taking massive damage, who is peeling, who is doing massive damage, who is CCing, who is in the right place, who is protecting you (*situational awareness) and so on.

I don't heal GY farmers, but I am all over that person who comes with me on O, whoever that may be. I will absolutely keep a hunter up if he protects me. Just like I would keep a Rogue/Lock/Warrior/Mage/etc up if they protect me.

On an unrelated note, has anyone found in all PvP brackets that...

People that play Locks are often very good players. For the most part I find they tend to have good general awareness and readily peel (BG perspective).

I know generalizations are just that. But do you guys find certain classes (certain players on certain classes maybe) tend to be better team players?

For me, that's Locks
On an unrelated note, has anyone found in all PvP brackets that...

People that play Locks are often very good players. For the most part I find they tend to have good general awareness and readily peel (BG perspective).

I know generalizations are just that. But do you guys find certain classes (certain players on certain classes maybe) tend to be better team players?

For me, that's Locks

I also noticed that. Geared mages/locks tend to be better than average players.Retri palas tend to be more skilled than prot ones.Geared horde hunters tend to be better than ally hunters.

Not that being better than average in this bracket is hard, tho.

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