Since this is the forum to which MC is mostly referring to...


The Highlander
Every day that I come on to these forums, I see people complaining about this or that. Grow up. Plain and simple.

This forum is to share knowledge about the brackets, news that affects twinks, and guides to better your twinks.

This forum is NOT, I repeat, NOT, for you to throw around your "e-peen". I am honestly sick and tired of you people that think you are "entitled". This website is here free of charge and, yet, people still complain.

It baffles me. If you do not like the way this forum is run, let us know in a private manner what is wrong and we will attempt to fix it. If you call the administration out without letting us know of the problem privately, then that just reflects poorly on you.

I am frankly fed up and will start to issue bans to those people, without any warning, who even think to incite problems.

-Baldi, instrument of MC
>>>>I am frankly fed up and will start to issue bans to those people, without any warning, who even think to incite problems.

Sounds like exactly what you've done with this thread Bald, the drama in 19s only really extends to the no @posts rule.
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>>>>I am frankly fed up and will start to issue bans to those people, without any warning, who even think to incite problems.

Sounds like exactly what you've done with this thread Bald, the drama in 19s only really extends to the no @posts rule.

no comprende amigo, I seen blinkas reasoning in this post:
Masked Crusader,

This thread will be read by maybe 2% of your viewers and not read by 100% of your troublemakers. Might want to put it a more viewed space by all.

/end my 2 cents

and thought it would be good to actually bring MC's voice into plain sight of the vast majority of users on this site.
Also I don't really understand what you mean about the no @posts. This isn't an @post (unless I suppose "@19twinksectionforumusers") and I see alot of drama in multitudes of threads which aren't aimed @ anyone specific.
Those little letters that make words. I believe they were in between two marks that hang in the air.

you are the only one here who is complainin' son

+1 post eu

Lol exactly how did this get turned back on me...If you simply read the passage and process the common english words, phrases, and punctuation correctly, it sounds like the person writing that is about to smash the keyboard in ...JUSS SAYIN!

Baldi for mod! Let him smite down those that cause trouble within our beloved community!

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