I'm wondering of they are nerfed
Ugh that sounds awful they need to do more than that I don't get why they can't also do conc shot
Atm people are complaining about the flow of abilities for Monks in the lower levels.. They get like 4-5 abilities by level 20. Hopefully Blizzard will see the flow of abilities for all classes in the lower levels to make it balanced... Such as if Hunters gets slow give Warriors a slow.Who said anything about balancing low level PeeVeePee? Blizzard is shuffling and streamlining for ease of leveling and end game. I very much doubt they took low level PvP brackets into consideration with these changes. Or even that they care.
Don't kid yourself.
i'd love to, but pve gets boring after awhileHow about everyone just roll hunters.
they are losing 50 RAP / 60 RAP depending if they had 25 agi or 30 agility(at the least). Since they will no longer have melee weapon stat sticks.
I am guessing few realize this is a big hit for them.