Low level hunters in mop


I'm wondering of they are nerfed
It appears arcane shot will be the new conc shot. Looks like they will remove conc shot from game. So the slow will now cost focus which is nerf. But not game breaking especially with Rogues losing SStep.
Ugh that sounds awful they need to do more than that I don't get why they can't also do conc shot

What's awful, the fact that you need focus to slow someone? Or the fact that you can't button mash mindlessly and then slow someone all the same? Because you can!

Worry not. For I'm sure the skill cap has not increased any.:cool:
^ no more free spam conc

they are losing melee weapon stats which affects: agility, stam, crit but getting 5% damage buff (was 10% on beta, got nerfed as of now),

at 20-24 they are losing the 15% stam bonus from being survival spec which is alot

with changes being made so fast, undone/redone or modifed thier current MOP talent calculator is way out of date
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Honestly best thing for this bracket is to nerf hunters, it would make more classes viable and ease some of the nerd rage.
When I qq'd 20-24 hunters a few months ago, 100% told me to stfu (shut the fudge up), it couldn't be done. So, I rolled a hunter and never looked back. Don't tell me we're going to balance low-level PvP? It isn't possible. It can't be done. Moreover, why would it be done with the community so universally and concretely in agreement that it shouldn't be done?
Who said anything about balancing low level PeeVeePee? Blizzard is shuffling and streamlining for ease of leveling and end game. I very much doubt they took low level PvP brackets into consideration with these changes. Or even that they care.

Don't kid yourself.
Who said anything about balancing low level PeeVeePee? Blizzard is shuffling and streamlining for ease of leveling and end game. I very much doubt they took low level PvP brackets into consideration with these changes. Or even that they care.

Don't kid yourself.
Atm people are complaining about the flow of abilities for Monks in the lower levels.. They get like 4-5 abilities by level 20. Hopefully Blizzard will see the flow of abilities for all classes in the lower levels to make it balanced... Such as if Hunters gets slow give Warriors a slow.

Really the problem is that hunters have to many utilities way to early.
there will be less burst in the bracket since everyone gets 30% resi, so i guess hunter will be a less overpowered than now, and yes making a slow cost focus makes sense.
they are losing 50 RAP / 60 RAP depending if they had 25 agi or 30 agility(at the least). Since they will no longer have melee weapon stat sticks.

I am guessing few realize this is a big hit for them.

Probably because it's not a big hit. Bows/Guns/Xbows are getting huge damage buffs in MoP to compensate for the loss of stat sticks. I haven't found a good example with lower level ranged weapons (probably because they haven't all been tweaked yet) but you can see a huge boost to damage for some 70 bows:

4.3: Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury - Item - World of Warcraft and Brutal Gladiator's Longbow - Item - World of Warcraft

5.0: Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury - Item - World of Warcraft and Brutal Gladiator's Longbow - Item - World of Warcraft

If this trend holds for lower level ranged weapons, we may see an increase in Hunter damage rather than a decrease (not considering the base resilience).

Of course no one can say at this point.

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