Questions about the bracket


Well I am a long time twinker, played the 19 bracket since prebc, migrated up to the 70s and recently have been playing my 85 but I find myself bored and wanting to get back to my twinking roots since some of the most fun I have had in this game were on my 19s.

At the moment 19 twinks seem broken, and the hatred in the community is, so I am looking to join a new community and start making some new friends/reliving my twink days with a new twist.

Just some quick questions about the community:
1. How does everyone get along? The 19 bracket is full of flaming posts here and there about everything under the sun. I'm looking a bracket with a close, but competitive community.
2. How is the class balance?
3. Do guilds have 10v10 guild premades? If so how often/how popular are they?
4. Lastly what is the best FCing class? I play an 85 prot warrior FC for bgs and have played a 70 blood fc twink and a 19 druid and shamman FC twink as well.

Answers to your questions:

1. There is alot of tension between F2p 20's and 24s. 20's see 24's as people who take the easy way to rolling "newbs" while 24's see 20's as poor kids who should go buy the game and quit being "newbs". This can and can't be a competitive bracket. It all depends on what BG you get into. If you get a couple 24's on each side the games can be quite fun. Or like an AP pugmade vs 4-5 24's and some 20's can be great gameplay too. But there are alot of games of just complete GY farming (shame on anyone who enjoys this). But there are tons of people in this community and alot of us really get along. I feel very welcomed in the f2p community and I have met tons of nice 24's. Others have the mentality of being God but w/e.

2. Class balance? HA, what class balance. Hopefully come MOP, things will get better.

3.Guild vs Guild games dont happen in the bracket (to my knowledge though, as I am an F2p). Horde AP does alot of 10 pugmades and there are some other F2p servers that are starting to do pugmades themselves.

4. Best FC class is somewhat up in the air. Everyone has their own opinion. Resto druids that know how to play are pretty good, Pallys(not really sure which spec since I dont play pally. Probably Holy?) , Warriors (with good health). Basically since I normally heal, anything that has good health that has somekind of self heal. It all boils down to the FC not being retarded and running from my heals. I really enjoy playing my druid as I can do FCing too although he is feral.

Hope this helped, this is a fun bracket, but there are alot of unbalance issues. But I cant complain, I am playing the game for free. If you really want a challenge, I would say to roll a 20 at F2p restrictions. Being a 24 in this bracket is like arm wrestling a 5 year old. If you choose to play in this bracket, see you out of the battlefield.
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