Well I am a long time twinker, played the 19 bracket since prebc, migrated up to the 70s and recently have been playing my 85 but I find myself bored and wanting to get back to my twinking roots since some of the most fun I have had in this game were on my 19s.
At the moment 19 twinks seem broken, and the hatred in the community is, so I am looking to join a new community and start making some new friends/reliving my twink days with a new twist.
Just some quick questions about the community:
1. How does everyone get along? The 19 bracket is full of flaming posts here and there about everything under the sun. I'm looking a bracket with a close, but competitive community.
2. How is the class balance?
3. Do guilds have 10v10 guild premades? If so how often/how popular are they?
4. Lastly what is the best FCing class? I play an 85 prot warrior FC for bgs and have played a 70 blood fc twink and a 19 druid and shamman FC twink as well.
At the moment 19 twinks seem broken, and the hatred in the community is, so I am looking to join a new community and start making some new friends/reliving my twink days with a new twist.
Just some quick questions about the community:
1. How does everyone get along? The 19 bracket is full of flaming posts here and there about everything under the sun. I'm looking a bracket with a close, but competitive community.
2. How is the class balance?
3. Do guilds have 10v10 guild premades? If so how often/how popular are they?
4. Lastly what is the best FCing class? I play an 85 prot warrior FC for bgs and have played a 70 blood fc twink and a 19 druid and shamman FC twink as well.