General Twink Questions

Which bracket do you believe is the most balanced/fun?

  • 19

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • 29

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 39

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Specify)

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Hey all, I used to twink way back in Vanilla and BC, mostly in the 19 and 29 bracket, but dabbled some in the 39 as well. Anyways, my question is this. I plan on a possible twink to play just for fun when I'm bored, hopefully becoming nowhere near as addicted as I used to be, to the point where I'm making 19 twink guides and such like I used to lol. Because of this, I have a few general questions about how much the twink scene has changed since way back in BC.

1. I heard that the battlegroups have all pretty much combined, so it wouldn't really matter too much (other than server population of twinks) as to what realm I make the twinks on. Is this true? If not, what are some of the realms I should look into for 19, 29, or 39 twinks?

2. What is the most active bracket, with at least SOME sort of balance to it (not looking to go into 19s with all hunters or rogues or something like that... hoping the 29 or 39 brackets are a bit more balanced)?

3. Would I be able to create a guild with a few of my friends and run our twinks through dungeons together to both level up the guild and get money from the dungeon guild challenges, or is this just an 85 thing? I'd assume you guys would know better than my realms trade chat full of trolls.

Any other things you think would be good to know would be awesome as well. Thanks!

I've always loved the 19 bracket. Whatever bracket you first twink in is usually the one you enjoy the most.
I've always loved the 19 bracket. Whatever bracket you first twink in is usually the one you enjoy the most.

I'm inclined to agree that whichever bracket in which you twink first, becomes your favorite. And I'm surprised to find that's not the case for me. I started in 39s years ago, but actually didn't enjoy them as much as other midbrackets during their heyday in 2010, and spent much more time in 29s and 49s.
Unfortunately out of the 3 you selected only the 19's battlegroup gets pops. 39's get pops 2 days a week but its not worth it IMO, and 29's dont get any pops at all.
Also unfortunate, is that the 19 battlegroup is the most unbalanced of all. My opinion, go to level to 70 and play in a battlegroup that is somewhat balanced and gets pops all day long.
I'm open to the other brackets as well, I just assumed 19/29/39 are the most active. It's sad to hear that 19 is the only real active one, seeing as how it's always been the least balanced, and from what I hear is all hunters now.
What about 20-24s? I'm surprised u actually didnt list that bracket seeing how it has more people than 70s and 19s.
If you're gonna be 20-24 be prepared for alot of flaming. People will hate you, but you'll have tons of fun pwnin scrubs lol. Hate to say it but its true. I prefer 70's bracket myself over the lower brackets, much to do with your free time.

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