Level 20... Grandfathered Mage

My level 19 tink mage leveled to 20 about one year ago. I have made many tickets to try to get delevel him or transfer my grandfathered items over an other level 19 mage that I made. Sadly, still no result other than a Game Master saying that in special circumstances they can actually do things such as removing levels or transfering BoP items over an other character. So... with MoP coming and shaman buff I decided I wanted to play an other class since I hate overpowered classes. I was thinking of mage because after looking at the new talents and MoP changes they seem fun and not too overpowered or underpowered. However, I am a BiS whore >.> I simply refuse to make a new mage without having grandfathered gear. So, since I know some of you guys managed to get some of these items switched from a character to an other or your character deleveled I was hoping some of you could help me with what I should include in my tickets.

Here is my mage Magicboner @ Rexxar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
I forgot to add how I actually leveled... I logged one day went to Azshara to finish a quest and leveled. I have no clue what happened to my experience remover. It happened after a certain patch, 4.0.3 I think. My experience remover was gone on three of my twinks for some reason after that day (My mage, my warrior and my rogue).
I forgot to add how I actually leveled... I logged one day went to Azshara to finish a quest and leveled. I have no clue what happened to my experience remover. It happened after a certain patch, 4.0.3 I think. My experience remover was gone on three of my twinks for some reason after that day (My mage, my warrior and my rogue).

perfect ok since your experience eliminator was removed by a new patch i woud state somthing like this, i have a 20 mage who used to be 19, when i loged on after(insert patch version here)my experience elimination was somehow gone, i didnt realize this because his xp was always paused i relized his xp was turned on when i turned in a quest and i leveled, since a new patch took away my experience elimination, and i did not do it maualy i was hoping you could send my gear to a new lvl 1 mage so i can remake my 19 twink... ext ext it make take 3-5 tries just get an easily minipulated gm
also make sure your online when they answer your ticket, if your not on line they dont even look at your ticket a bot answer it saying we cannot help you unless its an item restoration
also make sure your online when they answer your ticket, if your not on line they dont even look at your ticket a bot answer it saying we cannot help you unless its an item restoration

This. I can't stress this enough.

On the contrary, that is a very sexy mage.
do the GM ticket on wow website that way you have more room to explain/clarify your situation. this also starts a chain and doesn't wipe previous inputs like when you do them in the game. in the game after they respond, if you don't like the response, you have to start a new ticket.....on wow site you continue expanding on the original ticket

also they may have a issue with putting quest items on a lvl-1 because some players have abused this. like when they are level-10 going into a BG fulled geared in quest rewards and satchel gear that only a 15-19 will have. if they transfer your stuff onto a level-1 more than likely they will warn you.
My level 19 tink mage leveled to 20 about one year ago. I have made many tickets to try to get delevel him or transfer my grandfathered items over an other level 19 mage that I made. Sadly, still no result other than a Game Master saying that in special circumstances they can actually do things such as removing levels or transfering BoP items over an other character. So... with MoP coming and shaman buff I decided I wanted to play an other class since I hate overpowered classes. I was thinking of mage because after looking at the new talents and MoP changes they seem fun and not too overpowered or underpowered. However, I am a BiS whore >.> I simply refuse to make a new mage without having grandfathered gear. So, since I know some of you guys managed to get some of these items switched from a character to an other or your character deleveled I was hoping some of you could help me with what I should include in my tickets.

Here is my mage Magicboner @ Rexxar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

you should consider trying the F2P bracket.

Otherwise, Just keep making tickets to get your grandfathered gear moved to a lvl 1 mage. Eventually it'll work.

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