don't know if you saw this portion of the blue post today. it appears spell/ranged attacks/miss with be affected by they were in Vanilla WoW
Hit and Expertise
Hit and Expertise
- We still think having stats that can be capped is a good game design. Rather than focusing solely on stacking your best stat, you have to decide how valuable it is to hit your target before you go back to stacking your best stat. However, we are making some changes.
- Hit and spell hit will no longer be separate stats. The hit stat negates melee miss and spell miss.
- Expertise will negate dodge and spell miss, then parry.
- Expertise will be listed as a percentage, just like hit, instead of having an intermediary stat.
- We are normalizing hit with expertise, so that 1% of each stat will require the same amount of rating.
- We are normalizing melee and spell hit, so that spell hit is equal to miss plus dodge.
- Against an equal level creature: 6% spell miss, 3% melee miss, 3% dodge, 3% parry (from the front only), 3% block (from the front only).
- Against a +1 level creature: 9% spell miss, 4.5% melee miss, 4.5% dodge, 4.5% parry (from the front only), 4.5% Block (from the front only).
- Against a +2 level creature: 12% spell miss, 6% melee miss, 6% dodge, 6% parry (from the front only), 6% Block (from the front only).
- Against a +3/boss level creature: 15% spell miss, 7.5% melee miss, 7.5% dodge, 7.5% parry (from the front only), 7.5% block (from the front only).
- Ranged attacks will be able to be dodged. Hunters will benefit from expertise and will have it on their gear, which will also allow hunters and Enhancement shaman to share gear more easily.
- Against an equal level creature: 6% spell miss, 3% melee miss, 3% dodge, 3% parry (from the front only), 3% block (from the front only).