WTB 1500 RBG rating(lvl 70 EU)


Hello everyone!
I've got an amazing sellout, for these who is fresh and strong enough to risk their rating and want to win a big reward(goes for the leader(s) of couse of the team(s))
The reward for it is 800 euroes!!'
The deal is to take my rogue through rbgs to 1500 rating and at this moment i got 384 rating so 6-8 rbg wins!!!

This is no joke or scam at all! after i received the 1500 rating i'll do the payout over paypal or netbank, depends on what you got!!!!

so what are you waiting for it can be easy earned 800 euroes!!
PM me ingame or on gameraccount@hotmail.dk!
Lots of love shivley:)
or he could make a team and do real RBGs :p and hey sponzo ;)

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