Weapon question for a 16 priest


so im depating using pvp staff or pve staff for my 16 priest im working on atm, since it takes 20 hit to cap for 16s chardev 9 is capped, chardev 9 is what i would use to heal pugs ik im only capped for 16s but my build is more towards straight up healing do u guys think the Pve staff is superior over the PvP or the PvP over the PvE?

]- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/aerie-peak/Gtfó/advanced this is what i have started yesterday nothing great but i got mindthrust
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I can see how playing a 16 rogue/hunter makes atleast some sense
But how is a 16 priest viable? What could possibly scale so well that it becomes as good/better than a 19?
crit for one i can get 32 or somthing in just normal healing gear if wanted to go full out crit i could probably get aroung 37 or higer and just a little bit of a challenge is fun some times :p
Iîl @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft (he's lvl 15)

I'd suggest not even try to cap hit, and preferably going holy - less hit-dependent then, I guess. :)

Imo you need to go Human, as you won't survive for long if you haven't got 2 AGM.

For a 16:
Mindthrust - which you alrdy got obv.
Serpent Gloves
Godfrey's Britches

edit: ofc use voice amp for neck and totally forgot that you could get Godfrey's at 16
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serpent gloves are leather first :p firebelcher id reather have the crit, and gnome for the mana pool im asking about the boa staff specificly
serpent gloves are leather first :p firebelcher id reather have the crit, and gnome for the mana pool im asking about the boa staff specificly

Serpent Gloves are not leather.

I see, you want crit over stam - then why on earth LFH and not BoA-head? Firebelcher - Cookie's = 3 stam 1 int vs 2 crit. Ofc Firebelcher then.

Mana won't be as big problem as your HP, and I'd go with the PvE-staff, as I said earlier: That I'd not try to hit-cap a 16 Priest.
did u guys not even read the post ?? i clearly put two chardedvs one with hit cap which is 20 and one full out healing gear only 5 hit, i made up my mind so moderaters can closethis tread
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Serpent Gloves are not leather.

I see, you want crit over stam - then why on earth LFH and not BoA-head? Firebelcher - Cookie's = 3 stam 1 int vs 2 crit. Ofc Firebelcher then.

Mana won't be as big problem as your HP, and I'd go with the PvE-staff, as I said earlier: That I'd not try to hit-cap a 16 Priest.
i dont have access to boa helms thats why
A few things about my 15 priest that might be usefull for you building your 16 priest:

The gear as you saw when Mehcritkillu linked it was pure healing gear. This gear is not suitable in most pugs however (has 0 resiliance making it very hard to survive focus ambushes from multiple rogues). In a pug I tend to roll with a gear set that has 14 hit (4% chance to miss >lvl18), going full hit gear would give me 18 hit (0,29% chance to miss >lvl18) the reason I don't use this full hit set is that I lose to many other stats. The other important thing about my pug gear set is that is has 14 resil (12,30% damage reduction), the 706 armor (29,65% damage reduction) is the same as the healing set. My pug set still gives me 176 SP and 20,85% crit, the full healing set gives 178 SP and 30,54% crit. (in all these sets LFH is used, not the boa head piece)

I'll try and remember to log out in pug set after playing tonight so you can take a look (obviously for a 16 you choose slightly different gear) and perhaps pick up ideas. Have fun building it!
A few things about my 15 priest that might be usefull for you building your 16 priest:

The gear as you saw when Mehcritkillu linked it was pure healing gear. This gear is not suitable in most pugs however (has 0 resiliance making it very hard to survive focus ambushes from multiple rogues). In a pug I tend to roll with a gear set that has 14 hit (4% chance to miss >lvl18), going full hit gear would give me 18 hit (0,29% chance to miss >lvl18) the reason I don't use this full hit set is that I lose to many other stats. The other important thing about my pug gear set is that is has 14 resil (12,30% damage reduction), the 706 armor (29,65% damage reduction) is the same as the healing set. My pug set still gives me 176 SP and 20,85% crit, the full healing set gives 178 SP and 30,54% crit. (in all these sets LFH is used, not the boa head piece)

I'll try and remember to log out in pug set after playing tonight so you can take a look (obviously for a 16 you choose slightly different gear) and perhaps pick up ideas. Have fun building it!

thanks for the great reply think u can send me an armory link of ur 15 ? or is that Lîl ?

edit: in response to the resil im going with pvp staff and pvp shoulders i have the shoulders just working on staff, and i would miss out on the resil on trinket bc ill prolly go human but if not ill go gnome for instant bomb and get boa trinket
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Iîl on Dreanor is indeed my 15 priest and as I said I'll try and remember to log out in pug gear. About proffs, I use herb/skin now but engi should be pretty nice too especially for a gnome as you pointed out (something I might change on my char).
Honeyßadger @ Zul'jin - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

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