(BOOM Tazik) LF 2,2k players+ on Outland, EU!

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Hey everyone.

A new Guild (BOOM Tazik) on Outland, EU. Are recruiting 2,2k+ players for Top Gaming. We're gonna create the Worlds best Rbg team, and hold the Rank 1 in 2s, 3s and 5s.
We've just started up the Guild so not really any players atm, but it will come with the time.
We need a proof that your 2,2k+ at 85 and 70.
Requirements: You will need to have a well working mic with no scratching + Skype and Ventrilo.

For more information you can add me, Souljàh, Outland, EU, or add me on Twinkinfo.

Thanks for your time. :)

Souljàh @ Outland - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
double tazik priest mage in a guild called <BOOM TAZIK>

so much skill i cant handle it

just lock this thread early, there's not going to be any good from this.
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you can tell this guild wont last.
i also laughed at
We need a proof that your 2,2k+ at 85 and 70.
85 bracket is completely different to the 70.
Dude, instead of fucking crying and talking shit about my thread then leave it alone. Didnt make this thread for all you dumbs to talk shit.

no, you really did. sorry mate, whether you think you did or not, directly or indirectly, your intentions are clear.
no, you really did. sorry mate, whether you think you did or not, directly or indirectly, your intentions are clear.

Cyaqt, so you say that we suck cause we got Tazik? Like how many over 2,2k+ dont have tazik? its like 90% that got tazik.
nah, you are probably great players, 90 - 2 is pretty impressive.

We just see alot of people here at TI, trying to set up these guilds with "2.2k or gtfo" and they all turn into flame fests by the poster. i haven't seen a single thread that goes along these lines ever turn into a successful, thought inducing post where people are friends and are genuinely interested in joining or inquiring. if you are recruiting players with a "skill cap" requirement, well you are just asking for trouble. if you are looking for players that you want to be at a certain skillcap, i would suggest doing BGs and arenas and inquiring with the players themselves, rather than most likely embrassing yourself and your guildies, which, i'm sorry to be brash, is GOING to happen.
I see your point there, idd.
Everyone can join, to play arenas/bg's with us. But what i meant with "LF 2,2k players" were players that are able to join our Rbg team.
But ofc everyone are able to join so they can improve their skills and enjoy the game with us :), we will gladly play bg's/arenas with them.

i'm glad you understand. good luck with your new guild, and i hope for the best. US is finally starting to heat up in RBGs, we have some teams just getting 2k. hope its going well in EU.
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Cheers Cyaqt, Good luck to you aswell :)

Here on EU its really starting to grow, theres almost Rbg teams que'ing everyday, so it's great :)
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Ah well, i think the best is to lock this, i would as well like to remind everyone that the language in these forums needs to be appropriate, insulting and being vulgar will bring you nowhere.
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