sorry for saying "bruv" didnt know i wasnt allowed to beacuse obv 50 cent do it? hmm i dont know bout that 1 , and latex picked up flag beacuse we told him in gchatt then he did a stupid move and ran into their whole team and we asked him why the fuck he did that and he left the bg, and i call u fat cus u call me random things about a pic i had on my old account, am i mad? not at all , and i think u suck balls and ive said it 100 times by now so what u wanna achieve, me > you, i would love to ask people about it but i know people would say ur name beacuse obv they all hate me , and i understand why the hate me ^^ beacuse they get mad beacuse i dont like scrubs in bgs and thats the main reason why iam trying to set up an premade team to not be even able to be in bgs like you, but me and vianco and anarchism aint takeing any scrubs to our team thats why its takeing sometime beacuse most of the good players are already in guilds such in ALLSPACENOCAPS , (only good guild out there tbh) ,
if you wanna keep argueing with me gurke sure , i wont stop til u stop just saying , but just do me a favor and go back to alliance as fast as possible if you know only picking up gear or w/e u doin