Im looking for Competitive Bracket

If you want serious competition, roll endgame where people make their livings playing the game.

This is a free, fun, relaxed bracket. You will get stomped on by hunters and pals because the class balance is heavily skewed. Many of us try to make the most of it, and a lot of us on AP try to get arenas going. Coming from a S2 R1 player, the arena at 20 is lighthearted and simple, but good players will always beat bad players.

Not even a little. However with the unbalanced mentioned above if you play one of the more gimped classes it will be a challenge. Not the same thing but worth mentioning imo

I didn't know you were a glad goldies
i was myself vengeful glad <3
Not even a little. However with the unbalanced mentioned above if you play one of the more gimped classes it will be a challenge. Not the same thing but worth mentioning imo

I didn't know you were a glad goldies
i was myself vengeful glad <3

R13 RDruid grind in vanilla.

R1 S2 RDruid BC.

Didn't pvp in Wrath.

Got to 2200 early in S9 as LSD (lol), then quit again.

The older I get, the less devotion I have to WoW. I can't even do a legitimate grind anymore without automating most of it =/
R13 RDruid grind in vanilla.

R1 S2 RDruid BC.

Didn't pvp in Wrath.

Got to 2200 early in S9 as LSD (lol), then quit again.

The older I get, the less devotion I have to WoW. I can't even do a legitimate grind anymore without automating most of it =/

Basically the same with me s3 R1 I attempted raiding in LK as I wasn't liking what blizz was doing with my shammy, when cata hit I started again with an unholy DK but I never really got as into as I used to be, I was 2300 on my unholy dk before I quit paying during s10, still to this day I don't pvp as hard as I did in s3, it's just not worth the effort imo (and i dont wanna break my keyboard)
Basically the same with me s3 R1 I attempted raiding in LK as I wasn't liking what blizz was doing with my shammy, when cata hit I started again with an unholy DK but I never really got as into as I used to be, I was 2300 on my unholy dk before I quit paying during s10, still to this day I don't pvp as hard as I did in s3, it's just not worth the effort imo (and i dont wanna break my keyboard)

Ya, PvP in BC was pretty fun. But then, my schedule allowed for it, and a lot of the good pvp'ers from my vanilla days were still just as devoted. We grinded our 2s to 2700 back when those were rather unheard-of ratings.

Cata was rough for me because Rdruid was just so shitty, and no one had the time to grind arena hard. It's one of the reasons I lol at Rdruids at 20...such a gimp class this xpac in every way.
Ya, PvP in BC was pretty fun. But then, my schedule allowed for it, and a lot of the good pvp'ers from my vanilla days were still just as devoted. We grinded our 2s to 2700 back when those were rather unheard-of ratings.

Cata was rough for me because Rdruid was just so shitty, and no one had the time to grind arena hard. It's one of the reasons I lol at Rdruids at 20...such a gimp class this xpac in every way.

Now adays people honestly just don't care at endgame anymore. I mean back in BC me and a buddy had a set team we had our PC's in the same room and we played hard. Now most people run around doing RBG's or pugging arena teams for they're 8 wins a week. No one tries anymore and the lack of competition is one of the reasons I quit paying that and the fact it's so easy for any scrub to go pick up decent pvp gear :\

and @klinda Laglol is also brootal glad iirc
Now adays people honestly just don't care at endgame anymore. I mean back in BC me and a buddy had a set team we had our PC's in the same room and we played hard. Now most people run around doing RBG's or pugging arena teams for they're 8 wins a week. No one tries anymore and the lack of competition is one of the reasons I quit paying that and the fact it's so easy for any scrub to go pick up decent pvp gear :\

and @klinda Laglol is also brootal glad iirc

Glad to see we have such a diverse community, and your right ark, pvp isnt what it used to be and its very easy to get gear and not even worth the total effort, personally i liked wrath pvp because it seemed so intense and diverse but now its like no one cares that much anymore

perhaps MOP will rekindle the heart of pvp, we will just have to wait and see...
we have glads in the f2p community? wow, now ive seen everything lol

Not glads.

R1 Glads. ~100 top teams get glad. Only 1 team gets R1, and keeps the title forever.

F2P attracts for a lot of reasons. Can't beat the price, and the simplicity makes it play so similarly to vanilla. Makes me love WoW all over again.

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