Not even a little. However with the unbalanced mentioned above if you play one of the more gimped classes it will be a challenge. Not the same thing but worth mentioning imo
I didn't know you were a glad goldiesi was myself vengeful glad <3![]()
R13 RDruid grind in vanilla.
R1 S2 RDruid BC.
Didn't pvp in Wrath.
Got to 2200 early in S9 as LSD (lol), then quit again.
The older I get, the less devotion I have to WoW. I can't even do a legitimate grind anymore without automating most of it =/
Basically the same with me s3 R1 I attempted raiding in LK as I wasn't liking what blizz was doing with my shammy, when cata hit I started again with an unholy DK but I never really got as into as I used to be, I was 2300 on my unholy dk before I quit paying during s10, still to this day I don't pvp as hard as I did in s3, it's just not worth the effort imo (and i dont wanna break my keyboard)![]()
Not even a little. However with the unbalanced mentioned above if you play one of the more gimped classes it will be a challenge. Not the same thing but worth mentioning imo
I didn't know you were a glad goldiesi was myself vengeful glad <3![]()
Ya, PvP in BC was pretty fun. But then, my schedule allowed for it, and a lot of the good pvp'ers from my vanilla days were still just as devoted. We grinded our 2s to 2700 back when those were rather unheard-of ratings.
Cata was rough for me because Rdruid was just so shitty, and no one had the time to grind arena hard. It's one of the reasons I lol at Rdruids at 20...such a gimp class this xpac in every way.
Now adays people honestly just don't care at endgame anymore. I mean back in BC me and a buddy had a set team we had our PC's in the same room and we played hard. Now most people run around doing RBG's or pugging arena teams for they're 8 wins a week. No one tries anymore and the lack of competition is one of the reasons I quit paying that and the fact it's so easy for any scrub to go pick up decent pvp gear :\
and @klinda Laglol is also brootal glad iirc
we have glads in the f2p community? wow, now ive seen everything lol