What do people find most frustrating?

You're not fully resil capped
when several people at the beginning of AV say "everyone to drek!", only 5-15 people end up running straight there, most the team autopilots into galv as usual, followed by a third of the team pulling drek and running out, evade-bugging him OVER AND OVER for 10 minutes without even capping/defending southern towers or anything REMOTELY useful, bg chat going wild with back and forth insults, and the obligatory "you can't kill drek with 0 towers at 70" advice 15 minutes in.

/repeated this several times tonight, qq

edit: not a frustration, but i also saw a pally in WSG to whom i handed the enemy flag while in our base take it, and promptly run straight out to in front of the enemy graveyard o_O oy what a night!
not sure how you can whine when you get 3 tinkers, if I could actually get 3 at once I'd have motivation to even try getting what i pretend

How about, the rogue was on another server, had to move him and make him gnome. Then had to fuck around with neutral AH, all to NOT get ANY nice tinker after having already tried 9 times.
How about, the rogue was on another server, had to move him and make him gnome. Then had to fuck around with neutral AH, all to NOT get ANY nice tinker after having already tried 9 times.

Ye that's fucked up then but seems like you care a little bit 2 much. And yeah you probably want to move with the mats, gl if you still after it

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