Hey all, Sporeggar account is expired as of now. With that said, i used it for one last service earlier this morning - summoning mules to all alliance tables. I will ask from time to time if anybody needs summon for Pilgrim achivement, however if you need to do it sooner, just whisper any Lagoon character in f2ptwink channel or my new mirror DK Spokenfor. With that said, I'd like to thank all of You guys/girls that kept me company during Sporeggar reputation raids, couldn't have done it without You. So, enjoy 
Also later on this week I will do Scarlet Monastery clutch runs. Mostly for getting first aid done, as silk is dropping there faster than panties on prom night, but also for SM achivement and Tabard of Scarlet Crusade. All is free for all, need if you need. Only thing i ask you for is PASS on blue BOE's and any recipes/schematics that You can't use and only can sell for few silver (unless P2P, then you can have it). I will slap those in my guild bank for completeonists, as a token of appreciation for letting me in and using their perks for chest summons and such.

Also later on this week I will do Scarlet Monastery clutch runs. Mostly for getting first aid done, as silk is dropping there faster than panties on prom night, but also for SM achivement and Tabard of Scarlet Crusade. All is free for all, need if you need. Only thing i ask you for is PASS on blue BOE's and any recipes/schematics that You can't use and only can sell for few silver (unless P2P, then you can have it). I will slap those in my guild bank for completeonists, as a token of appreciation for letting me in and using their perks for chest summons and such.